RTC Report "Connection authorization failure occurred" for some Data Sets
I am trying to generate a report of the current and previous state of several work items and get the following Error while previewing/ running some Data Sets, with ADMINISTRATOR rights:
This only happens to some Data Sets, for example:
I am using RTC 3.01.
Many thanks in advance!
I am trying to generate a report of the current and previous state of several work items and get the following Error while previewing/ running some Data Sets, with ADMINISTRATOR rights:
This only happens to some Data Sets, for example:
STATECan you please help me solve this?
I am using RTC 3.01.
Many thanks in advance!
Andrada Roman
Nov 13 '13, 6:04 a.m.I tried uploading the image with the error, but i get following message: "sorry, file uploading requires reputation >60"
The error message while executing the report is: