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Merge tracking

Daan van der Munnik (29113127) | asked Sep 12 '07, 10:26 a.m.
Are there any plans to implement some form of merge tracking in jazz ?

If for instance I have a maintenance-stream and want to merge changes back to the main-development-stream, I need to do the following:

- create a local workspace based on the maintenance-stream
- add the main-development-stream as the current flow target for this workspace
- accept and merge changes (if any)
- deliver changes
- delete local workspace

After doing this, there is no (automatic) way to see that the changes originated from the maintenance-stream.



6 answers

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Daan van der Munnik (29113127) | answered Sep 12 '07, 3:28 p.m.
I found the following statement on the SCM wiki pages:

Provide a mechanism for showing merges in the history view for both files and change-sets which have a merge state.

Sounds good; any ideas of what this is going to look like ?



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Elisabeth Carbone (616108) | answered Sep 13 '07, 9:20 a.m.
I guess you found the statement in Iteration Plan: SCM 1.0 Functional Gaps on wiki. I checked the Planned Items within this Iteration Plan to find out if there was a Work Item with further details that would answer your question. But could not find it yet.

I will investigate more.


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Elisabeth Carbone (616108) | answered Sep 14 '07, 10:36 a.m.
Have a look at Work Item 29901:

There is a discussion going on about Visual Change-set History. If you are intressted you can subscribe to it and participate in the discusson.

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Daan van der Munnik (29113127) | answered Oct 22 '07, 8:20 a.m.
The overall "Iteration Plan: SCM" for 0.6 M4 shows the following merge tracking related items:

- Marking changes as merged
- Showing merge states in the history view

The "Iteration Plan: SCM Interval: 0.6 M4D168" currently shows no merge tracking related items yet.

Also merge-tracking related work Item 29901 does not seem to be assigned to a milestone yet.

Since tracking merges is an important requirement for us, can anybody give us an update on how you are planning to add this functionality to jazz source control ?



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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Oct 28 '07, 8:46 p.m.
For the record, we track merge states so that you aren't required to merge that same changes over and over again, but we don't surface in the UI any hint about what files or change-sets have been merged.

For 1.0, we will expose the merge states in the UI, probably in the history view and in the pending changes view so that you can see which files have been merged and from where. But we won't track which stream they came from since change-sets can come from any place, the stream is not always applicable. See the discussion in the work item mentioned above.

However, given a file state you can check if it's in a given stream by using the "Locate in" action and you can give the merge change-sets a comment which would help find them as well.

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Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Oct 28 '07, 8:49 p.m.
On a related note, have you tried back-porting changes or simply merging change-sets in Jazz yet? Resolving conflicts?

I'd like to hear your experiences...

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