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Autopopulate Summary with data from other fields in the same work item

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Nov 06 '13, 6:45 p.m.
I would like the Summary field of a specific work item type to auto-populate with OWNER_ID - EffectiveDate, where OWNER_ID is the login ID of the Owned By selection of the work item and EffectiveDate is a custom date field of the work item.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 07 '13, 2:51 a.m.

I think, you have these options you can try, starting with low and then increasing complexity.

  1. Use JavaScript and a calculated value provider. See and Lab 5 for hints and examples. This would be the easiest option. I am not sure you can get the Onwer ID, I believe you can only get either the owner UUID [getName()] and the user name [getLabel()].
  2. Use a JavaBased calculated Value Provider. I provide example code here: 
  3. Work Item Save Participant, which would actually save a second time after setting the summary
I would go for 1 or 2.

Make the Summary field read only if you calculate from the input values.

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