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Scripted Based Default Value - Filed Against

Robert Carter (42928789) | asked Nov 04 '13, 3:42 p.m.
Is it possible to get the list of members in a team area via JavaScript from the Filed Against field?  So what I would like to do is get a default value for the Subscribers list based on the Filed Against field and category associations.

For example, a new work item is created and filed against "Category A".  "Category A" is associated with "Team Area A".  Next I want get the list of members of "Team Area A" and use that list as the default value for Subscribers.  And if the filed against field is not chosen then the subscriber list will be empty.

Accepted answer

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Dave Evans (14812846) | answered Apr 10 '14, 3:35 p.m.

According to my sources, you either can't or shouldn't do that using a script-based default provider.

(Read under "API for Javascript" at:

You could accomplish this using a follow-up action though. What you'd do is create the work item save participant which reviewed the subscribers, if filed against is "Unassigned", then you'd be done. If not, you'd grab the team members and add whoever is missing to subscribers.

Robert Carter selected this answer as the correct answer

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