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How to edit the initial .jazzignore list?

marco Kaiser (2311313) | asked Oct 16 '13, 7:09 a.m.
retagged Dec 03 '13, 3:53 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
Hi Jazz community,

when I open a new project and add a file to the ignore list, a new .jazzignore file is produced. It has some pre-set values like:

### Jazz Ignore 0
# Default value for core.ignore.recursive is *.class

core.ignore.recursive=  \
    {*.suo} \
        {*.user} \


My questions are:
  1. How are are those preferences produced and is it possible to edit this core.ignore.recursive= / core.ignore= values are set by default? (I know that the .jazzignore file is editable to add more values to ignore but I need some values by default)
  2. Is it possible to set .jazzignore files a whole Project Area i.e. can we set the core.ignore.recursive= / core.ignore= values for a Project Area (and all Project Areas which use the process configuration of this Project Area) by default?
I'm looking forward to your answers.

2 answers

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Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered Oct 16 '13, 11:16 a.m.

Hi Marco,

I do not have specific answers to your questions, but wanna share this case you have not seen it.

"You can edit any .jazzignore file to add, change, or remove ignored patterns and file names recursively at any level of the tree. To specify names and patterns to be ignored in all folders of a project, add the names and patterns to the value of the core.ignore.recursive property in the .jazzignore file at the project root. For example, to ignore all files in a project that have suffixes .htm, .html, and .cat, set the value of core.ignore.recursive as follows:

core.ignore.recursive= {*.htm} {*.html) {*.cat}

To specify names and patterns to be ignored in a specific folder, add the names and patterns to the value of the core.ignore property in the .jazzignore file in that folder. (The value of core.ignore.recursive is ignored in .jazzignore files in subfolders of a project root.)"

marco Kaiser commented Oct 23 '13, 4:31 a.m.

Hi Kot,

thanks for your answer. I the article I found out that there are some ignore settings by default.
I see, that I can edit this "Ignored Resources" to ignore other files. But I'm more interested in the default settings. Can I set more "Ignored Resources" by default?

Kind Regards


SEC Servizi commented Oct 23 '13, 9:11 a.m.

I think you should extend theĀ class to add your own patterns...

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marco Kaiser (2311313) | answered Nov 12 '13, 3:29 a.m.
Hi Sec,

thanks for your answer. Since we use both clients (Eclipse and Visual Studio) it is necessary to provide the functionality for both. Does the mentioned class work for both clients or does the Visual Studio client work with another approach?

Greetings Marco

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