Building a Proxy for IWorkItemRestService or other Jazz Service
We are trying to build a proxy for some RTC Services, for example IWorkItemRestService.getWorkItemEditablePRoperties(...)
The service will do the same, but with just an intervention, it is kind of decorator!! Can we do that without move the rtc base code, it means our service take precedence by original services and then call the originals?
One answer
see this. I have built new services.
What I'm trying to do is to replace an existing service by my own, I know how to create a new one, but i need to provide a new implementation for en existing rtc service and the jazz server get mine not the default rtc implementation
far as I know the only way to do that is to replace the service definition where ever it is to point to your class.. of course u will be changing a product jar file..
there is no support for subclassing a service.