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Is there a way to manually delete the link to the child WI from the Parent WI.

Anish Anil (1811010) | asked Sep 18 '13, 9:19 a.m.
Is there a way to manually delete the link to the child WI from the Parent WI.

Customer Scenario:

Customer has created two Defect WI.
On one of the work Item-->click on Links-->Add Children-->add the second WI as a child to the first WI.
Delete the child WI using the "X" from the GUI
Click on the parent WI-->Click on Links-->Under Children the link to the deleted WI still exist.
Clicking on Save fails to save the parent WI with the error (CRJAZ0215I ) as it is still referencing the Child WI

Is there a way to manually delete the link of the child WI from the parent???

NOTE: Tested this on the latest version and when the child is deleted the link is automatically deleted from the parent
The below mentioned technote is not helping as there is no reference to the Child WI on the Parent WI.

Thank you,

Lionel Li commented Sep 18 '13, 9:27 a.m. | edited Sep 18 '13, 10:49 a.m.

Hi Anish,

Please specify:
-  the version you are running tests against?
-  OOTB template?
-  Web UI? Eclipse client? or both?
-  Did you save any point in the steps before the last "save" that brought you the error?


Anish Anil commented Sep 18 '13, 10:01 a.m. | edited Sep 18 '13, 10:49 a.m.

Tested on RTC Version 3.1.x/4.0.3/4.0.2/4.0.1 used the default Scrum and the link from the Parent WI to the child WI is deleted when deleting the child WI.

This issue is specific to only one WI and is irrespective of the Project Template.

Both in WEb UI and Eclipse UI it is the same behavior

Save was done at all steps prior to clicking on the last Save option.

Create Parent WI-->save
Create Child WI -->save
Click Parent WI-->links-->children-->add children -->save
Delete Child-->save
open Parent-->try to save -->error

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Sep 18 '13, 10:50 a.m.

Hi Anish,
We had this kind of issues when the work items had been imported from csv. How did you create your workitem?

Lionel Li commented Sep 18 '13, 2:44 p.m.

Anish, to the last step, you saved the parent WI after deleting the Child WI from parent's "Links" tab. 

When you open the Parent, how did you save? (assuming the save button should be disabled)

correct me if i understand this wrong. Thanks. 

One answer

permanent link
Don Rota (14932221) | answered Oct 14 '13, 6:56 a.m.
edited Oct 14 '13, 7:00 a.m.
I have done this:
Create Parent WI-->save
Create Child WI -->save
Click Parent WI-->links-->children-->add children -->save
Delete Child-->save

When I hit refresh on the parent page, the child is gone, and then I deleted the parent without any problems.

So my answer to you would be to Hit Refresh on the parent workitem after you've deleted the child.

What version are you using?  I'm using the web client and RTC Version: 4.0.4.

Build Information Version Build ID
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries 4.0.4 RTC-I20130803-2156
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 4.0.4 RJF-I20130802-1652

About the Rational Jazz Team Server

Version: 4.0.4
Build Information Version Build ID
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 4.0.4 RJF-I20130802-1652

Client Access License Types Assigned to user Donny R. Rota

Product Version Type Variant
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Contributor-Floating Unlocked
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Developer-Floating Unlocked
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