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Split jazz.user into jazz.user and jazz.admin?

Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | asked Feb 03 '09, 4:46 p.m.
Many questions in this newsgroup are administration related. 'jazz.user'
is also the most active group.
Maybe it would make sense to create a new newsgroup 'jazz.admin',
specifically for setup/administration questions?

Jazz Work Item Team

4 answers

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Daniel Cox (4261168) | answered Feb 04 '09, 10:05 a.m.
So is process configuration admin or user?

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Feb 04 '09, 1:08 p.m.
So is process configuration admin or user?

I would count customizing to 'user' to prevent an inflation of groups.
My thinking was that the newsgroups should cater to typical roles:

- Sysadmins: jazz.admin
- Developers: jazz.extend
- Everyone: jazz.user

Jazz Work Item Team

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Seth Packham (1.4k42213) | answered Feb 11 '09, 12:37 p.m.
Under Rational Team Concert, we currently have three sub-forums. How would you describe the 4th that you are proposing?

(1) How-to, troubleshooting, and general discussion (NNTP: jazz.user)
Questions and discussions about installing, configuring, and using Rational Team Concert.
(2) Extending Team Concert (NNTP: jazz.extend)
Questions and discussions about extending Rational Team Concert with new capabilities.
(3) Academic use and research (NNTP: jazz.research)
Discuss the use of Team Concert in academic settings and academic research projects.

Like this?
(4) Administering Team Concert
Questions and discussions about administering Rational Team Concert and Jazz Team Server

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Daniel Cox (4261168) | answered Feb 11 '09, 3:49 p.m.
My question about process configuration was an attempt to point out that people may not easily see that process customization, especially at the project level is not administration.

Having said that, I think that you may want to change the descriptions as follows as installation should probably be on the admin side:

(1) How-to, troubleshooting, and general discussion (NNTP: jazz.user)
Questions and discussions about using Rational Team Concert

(4) Administering Team Concert
Questions and discussions about installing and administering Rational Team Concert and Jazz Team Server

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