Extending resource model
Any pointers/suggestions on extending the user model supported in RTC? We need some attributes to be added for the user model which also need to get reflected in the related UI (in the current user page of RTC). Can some one point out the related plug-ins that contain the user model and resource UI page ?
3 answers
You can link to a Contributor from your model if you want, but there is
nothing 'special' about the linkage. If the Contributor gets deleted
your model will not be deleted. And attributes in your model will not
get reflected in the UI.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 04:08 +0000, vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
nothing 'special' about the linkage. If the Contributor gets deleted
your model will not be deleted. And attributes in your model will not
get reflected in the UI.
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 04:08 +0000, vinaykumarreddyk wrote:
I define a new ecore model and refer to 'Contributor' (using
EReference ) from one of the attributes. Is this sufficient for
linkage between the two models?