RRDI: how to report on "Related Artifacts" links?
Accepted answer
'RIODS'.'REQUEST_RELATIONAL_LINK' only stores links between Work Items.
3 other answers
Have you taken a look at the materials with the CLM 2012 Reporting workshop? https://jazz.net/library/article/1269 There should be an example that builds a traceability report and if not, check the previous reporting workshop from 2011, https://jazz.net/library/article/675
There should also be some out of the box traceability reports that you can examine with RRDI Query Studio and see what is used for the link data.
For other data, you may want to explore the data dictionary for each product area: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m3/topic/com.ibm.rational.reporting.overview.doc/topics/c_reference_datadictionary.html
I can find parent/child link data in the "Request Relational Link" table, but just can't find the data about "Related Artifacts" links, i am just wonder if this kind of data been excluded from ETL process?
I'm pretty sure it is since it is key to having those relationships reported on to have traceability reports. I suggest if you don't see what you need that you open a workitem against Jazz Foundation->Reporting. Also, check that your ETLs are actually running and not have errors in the data collection jobs page of jts/admin. We want to make sure that the data collection is actually happening.
One other thing: can you see data for links like implemented by or validated by? those are the relationship data needed to make traceability reports.
Let me know if that helps.
I created two links in workitem, one to 'Parent' (com.ibm.team.workitem.linktype.parentworkitem), one to 'Related Artifacts' (com.ibm.team.workitem.linktype.relatedartifact), then i ran the data collection job, after that, with the database explorer tool, i found that only the link to 'Parent' been created in 'REQUEST_RELATIONAL_LINK' table.
If you are sure that this kind of data should be included in the ETL process too, i guess i need to open a workitem for this issue now.