Not able to view invited member
2 answers
The user will have to register with Jazz in order to join. Can you ask the user to confirm he is successfully logging in to JazzHub after clicking the link to accept the invitation?
User able to register, but not able to view project from where we sent invite. Also in the project we are not seeing him as a member.
It sounds like your friend has not yet accepted the invitation to join the project.
The invitation email contains two links. The first link is a link to the project and will not work until the user has accepted the invitation to the project. The second link is the link your friend needs to click in order to accept the invitation.
Another way to view the invitation outside of the e-mail is to go to, click on Explore Projects, and click on Invitations on the right side of the page. The invitation will only be listed here if your friend registered with the same e-mail address you sent the invitation to.