raf 3005 db2 actions
2 answers
Hello MIke,
All files entered into the RAF Directory tree will be transferred to the target system. Nothing special you need to do there. Custom Action xml also has precedence over out of the box actions.
NOTE: After you read in an existing environment, like say our WebSphere Topology Environment. RAF will automatically create 3 projects. A compare, import, execute. Each one of these steps within the projects, call a library. You can find those libraries via the libraries page. Then you can navigate the library and see all the steps. See how conditional steps or used, looping steps and edit the steps to run how you see fit.
There are two different wasy in which you can find documentation and actions available.
1. IBM Info Center. You can type in an action and or search for actions. At the bottom of the description for each action, there is typically a section called "related actions". These actions often work hand in hand with one another.
2. When you click on the RAFW tab. You have the choice to create, and or read and existing configuration. We call this our Event Generation Wizard in RAF If you have an existing WebSphere or "other" deployment. I would recommend starting here. Select the tab, fill out the required information and read in your environment. This will automatically create your envBuild parameters for you. Once you have read in your existing environment. You can use one of two tools. Eclipse or the CLI for RAF. I find the CLI much more user friendly.
EXAMPLE: Let's say we have read in an existing environment called WebSphereTopology. I have a cell called Cell01, It has 2 nodes. Node01 and Node02. I also have 1 server on each node. Server 1 and server 2.
What now??
RAF Actions pertain to scope. If I want to run an action against the a server. I need to define the server scope of the server in which I want to run the action. If I want to run the action at the Node scope. I need to define the node scope. Two EXAMPLES below.
Server SCOPE
(RAFW-HOME)rafw.sh/bat -env WebSphereTopology -cell Cell01 -node Node01 -server Server01 (Action Name) {mode}
That is an example of a server scope that you would type into the command line client to run an action at the server level. The Node level is the same without the server.
RAFW-HOME)rafw.sh/bat -env WebSphereTopology -cell Cell01 -node Node01 (Action Name) {mode}
Now let's say that I want to run an action to configure the servers and I don't know what action to run... In the CLI, enter in the server scope. This time, instead of defining the action and mode. Put a -l This will list all the avaialable actions that can be ran at that server scope.
(RAFW-HOME)rafw.sh/bat -env WebSphereTopology -cell Cell01 -node Node01 -server Server01 -l
As you read through the actions. The was_common_configure_server_all should jump out at you. But what does that action do? What does it require? Do I need additional information? All good questions. You can find all the documentation on an action, as well as the ANT info for that action by using to arguments. Either -d for document or -p for print.
You can either type in the scope, and or you can just use the rafw.sh/bat -d or -p <action name>
rafw.bat -d was_common_configure_server_all
This will print all the documentation regarding a specific action. If you use the -p in the same way. It will print the ANT. Which it will also print the location of the ANT info, as well as any scripts and locations of those scripts it uses. This is why RAF is so powerful. All of the ANT and scripts are open for editing. You can create your own custom Actions by using any of the existing actions as templates. The -d command will also give you all related action, additional information needed to run the action, as well as any xml files the action uses and or creates. Most of the xml files used such as in was_common_configure_JDBC_datasources uses the JDBC.xml. In the RAF HOME directory there is a samples folder. Inside there you can find an example of that jdbc as well as many others.
When it comes to supplementary scripts. You would use one of the custome_was_common.xml files depending on the scope in which the action will run. We have custom.xml files for each scope. You would build an ANT script to which we have templates that can be found http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rafhelp/v3r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.raf.common.doc/topics/r_ca_Ant_build_file_structure.html
Once you have created the template ANT script info, and put that into the proper XML. Which that link will identify for you as well. You would add the script to the scripts folder in the location where the xml file is. Or you can put it anywhere in the RAF directory tree, as long as you identify it's location within the ANT script.
All files entered into the RAF Directory tree will be transferred to the target system. Nothing special you need to do there. Custom Action xml also has precedence over out of the box actions.
We have a TON of info on custom actions in the info center via the link I gave above.
This is the best way to get familiar with RAF. This will get your existing environments in, and allow you to see all available actions, what those actions need to run, related actions, and the ANT build script for those actions.
NOTE: After you read in an existing environment, like say our WebSphere Topology Environment. RAF will automatically create 3 projects. A compare, import, execute. Each one of these steps within the projects, call a library. You can find those libraries via the libraries page. Then you can navigate the library and see all the steps. See how conditional steps or used, looping steps and edit the steps to run how you see fit.
This is a lot of information. But I always suggest reading in an environment first. To get familiar with RAF instead of going right to installations. I hope this is what you were looking for. If not, just let us know more granular info you want. And we will do our best.
wow great answer,
thanks for spending the time.
However I'm focussed of the v3005 db2 actions such as db2_common_configure_create_database, which has no info at all (that i could find) in the infocentre. If there is some, could you give me a clue, as to where, please
I'm building portal and connections sites, so there's a lot of db2 activity, that fits naturally into this, and the site I'm working on is about to build a lot of tds, so that will soon come into the horizon.
The -d option for db2_common_configure_create_database gives a no help available message
thanks again
if i can run an import, against a db2 instance I guess that's one way of building a template.. but once again doc will help
Hello Mike,
I to have searched for any db2 actions within RAF "db2_common_configure_create_database" I am unable to find it or any db2 action. The info center does not contain this action either. When you install RAF and run the integratetobf createAll script. It should prompt you for a set of libraries. The libraries that come with RAF out of the box are ihs, liberty, was, wbi, wesb, wp, wsrr, wve. Each set of actions are identified by the abbreviation.
websphere was_common
IBM HTTP SEVER ihs_common
This would mean you had to have installed a db2 type library to gain a command like the one you are looking for. Was this from a third party vendor? If so, I am not sure where you might find documentation. Although, depending on the scope in which you run it. Like you said. There should be data added to the folders defined for that scope. Importing the database would be a good place to start. Examine what it has and the files created. You could potential read an empty database and then promote it using the promote.properties to change the database name.
Sorry I do not have more for you on this topic.
Ryan Ruscett
Aug 21 '13, 8:51 a.m.There is a new Rational Automation Framework Twitter. It will be a way to stay in the loop with document updates, newest releases, fixepacks and training videos involving RAF and the new UDEPLOY. Also, please feel free to ask questions regarding where you can get documentation as well as add topics for the NEW RAF BLOG that will be starting this week. If you would like a blog on a specific topic, how to do something or best practices. Post it there and it could be the next BLOG topic. THANKS!!!