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Adaptor: what if matches more than one?

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Jun 22 '12, 11:12 a.m.
The following is found from the ClearCaseBaseline adaptor. To check if there is deliver going on, we have to check all development streams. So I assume the "run command" will run multiple times if there are multiple matches?

<!-- Get dev streams in integration stream -->
<command name="cc_get_dev_streams">
cleartool startview $VIEW
cleartool lsstream -s -in $1@$2
<match pattern="^(.*?)_(.*?)$"><!-- Need to tweak this regex pattern for AGE naming conventions on dev streams> -->
<run command="cc_deliver_in_progress" params="$1 $2 $PROJECT_VOB" server="$CCSERVER" dir="/" timeout="360"/>

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Jun 22 '12, 11:27 a.m.
Yes.  The match pattern is run against every line of output from the execute command, so if multiple matches occur, then multiple commands will run.

Also the adaptor hasn't been updated in a while.  There is a new attribute you can assign to the command node called type which can allow you to run the commands in parallel, rather than the default serial call.  So the command would look like:
&lt;command name="cc_deliver_in_progress" type="parallel"&gt;


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