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Per-comment attribute

We've solved this for two other ticketing systems, and now need a solution for RTC. In one of the other systems, the user clicks an action button to explicitly send updates. In another, we were able to add a checkbox to the comment entry input form for them to indicate whether this update should be sync'd or not.
How can we do something similar in RTC?
One answer

this will send ALL comments OUT to the other party.. it is expects ALL comments (sent) back at a minimum.
you cannot 'change' a comment contents.
there was an addition of support for timestamps in the comments added on, so at least they could be ordered and kept time clock synched with the source.
about the only other way would be to add function to the message handler (item connector client) receiving the updates from the remote system and filling in any of the missing data locally before submitting the changes to RTC. (again if u are using the repository manager interface).

We're using the RTC SDK to search for modified Defects & pull the fields of interest, and to push changes back whenever changes are made in one of the other systems.

so, in that case you have full control of what needs to flow back & forth. unfortunately, short of your SYNC flag in the content, there is no way to flag a comment with your special info.
I was binding support and development groups together. and the external customer had full visibility to anything not marked 'internal'. Sadly, there was no way to extend RTC to enable an 'internal' comment. so we had to have support monitor the content and flip the flag to 'public' after consultation with the development group.
this means that development could not ask the customer a direct question ('can you send me another log from date x to date y')..