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Execute a command/script after updating a work item

One answer

No, there is nothing builtin to do that.
you could write an extension in javascript, but I don't know if it can kick off perl or something like that.
you could certainly do it with a Java extension.
this article shows a Java extension (participant) that launches a perl script.
you could write an extension in javascript, but I don't know if it can kick off perl or something like that.
you could certainly do it with a Java extension.
this article shows a Java extension (participant) that launches a perl script.

Thanks...That's very helpful.
I will check it out

If you are new to this you might also want to check: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/ where I try to provide examples I have come across. What you are trying to do is a "Follow Up Action" or "Participant".
It would also be interesting to understand what you want to do on save. There might be better ways to do what you want, dependent on if you want to be able to fail the safe or have a better user experience.

Thanks Ralph.
That's so helpful. I read your blog everyday and it's my favorite tutorial by far on RTC!