How can I auto load the project A 's script to the project B or forbid the user handle Project A's workitem in the Project B ?
I write a customize script to validate the worktime attribute value in one project A. But In other project B I handle the project A's workitem, the customiaze script didn't effective in the project B.
The server appear the error in ccm.log:
2013-08-16 14:24:52,591 [ http-bio-9443-exec-142] ERROR net.jazz.ajax.servlets.StyleSheetServlet - GET
?exclude=0~9~C~E~G~H~I~J~K~N~P~Q~Z~a~b~c~d~e~f~g~t~w~y&include=org.example.validateIsNeedTechnologySyndic.js&ss=CvS4d&_proxyURL=%2Fccm&locale=zh-cnHEADER: host =
HEADER: user-agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
HEADER: accept = text/css,*/*;q=0.1
HEADER: accept-language = zh-cn,zh;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
HEADER: accept-encoding = gzip, deflate
HEADER: connection = keep-alive
HEADER: referer =
HEADER: cookie = JSESSIONID=4C1...E76; JazzFormAuth=Form; net-jazz-ajax-cookie-rememberUserId=; JSESSIONIDSSO=9FE...E6A
Parameter: ss = [CvS4d]
Parameter: _proxyURL = [/ccm]
Parameter: include = [org.example.validateIsNeedTechnologySyndic.js]
Parameter: exclude = [0~9~C~E~G~H~I~J~K~N~P~Q~Z~a~b~c~d~e~f~g~t~w~y]
Parameter: locale = [zh-cn]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resource does not exist: org.example.validateIsNeedTechnologySyndic.js
the javascript is in the project A,not in the project B.If the user handle Project A's workitem in the Project B will appear above error.
How can I auto load the project A 's script to the project B or forbid the user handle Project A's workitem in the Project B ?
where the javascript accessories's path in the server ?
Te-Hsin Shih
Aug 20 '13, 2:57 p.m.I'm not sure I understand your requirements yet. Do you want the same file appear in both eclipse project A and B? If that is the case, then you may need to restructure your project structure a little bit since RTC does not support file level sharing between projects.
There are two options you may do -
1. Move the files that you want to share into a separate project.
2. Pick one project as the main location of the shared files and use symbolic links in another project to reference those files.