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Dynamic Data Source Issue in RRC

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Aug 09 '13, 3:04 a.m.


I'm trying to do a table in rpe (getting data from a RRC PA) that populates a business requirement type artifact ("parent") and their business enhacements type artifact type  ("child") linked.
For example

In RRC I have :

Business Requirement Sample #1 --Embbeds--> Business Enhancement Sample #1

                                                      --Embbeds--> Business Enhancement Sample #2


So my table in RPE should be like this :


Business Req. Title Business Req. Description Business Enhancement Description (context body) Business Enhancement Attribute 1 Business Enhancement Attribute 2
Business Requirement Sample #1 Description #1
  • Business Enhancement Sample #1 body
  • Business Enhancement Sample #2 body
  • B.Enhacement #1 Attribute 1 Value
  • B.Enhacement #2 Attribute 1 Value
  • B.Enhacement #1 Attribute 2 Value
  • B.Enhacement #2 Attribute 2 Value


I have accomplished to  get the table to show the business requirement and their linked  business enhancement title but not the attributes.

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