RQM Need an example of a Test Script imported from Excel into RQM
Our comapny currently stores our Test scripts in Excel. We are trying to determine if it would be worth our time to import these into RQM.
I would like an example from someone who has imported an Excel Test script into RQM.
I have attached a quick snapshot of how our Test Scripts are formatted when I copied the steps into RQM.
Accepted answer
The tool does not get installed into thew QM server; it is a plug-in into Excel (i.e. its completely independent the CLM/QM server).
If you send me your email address I can send you the sample data but I would highly recommend installing the tool and trying the samples in your testing environment.
Thank you for your response! My email is slwatkins@gfb.org. I will have to get with my Network admins about installing additional plug-ins for Excel.
Thank you for the sending me the sample data.
2 other answers
When you install the RQM Excel import tool it will include a list of sample spreadsheets along with the corresponding configuration file.
There are a few specifically referencing the import of Test Script; you can use these as a basis of creating your own configuration file.
The 'Samples' folder will be located one level under root of the install; for example on my system it is located here:
C:\Program Files\IBM\RQMExcelImporter\Samples