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RTC Https certificate

Vibha Sinha (1643610) | asked Jan 13 '09, 10:56 p.m.

I have RTC 1.0 installed. The default ssl certificate seems to have a validity till Oct 30 2008. Is there a way to increase the validity date or do I need to create a new certificate ?

- Vibha

2 answers

permanent link
Vibha Sinha (1643610) | answered Jan 13 '09, 10:58 p.m.
A correction - am using RTC 1.0.1

permanent link
Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Jan 14 '09, 8:48 a.m.
You would need to create a new certificate. The certificate included in
the server is good for testing the initial setup, but getting your own
signed certificate will improve your security.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 04:07 +0000, vssinha wrote:
A correction - am using RTC 1.0.1

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