iTest RQM adapter
I am trying to register a iTest RQM adapter and get an error message :
2013-07-03 14:20:04,674 INFO - CONFIGURATION DATA:
Config file :
Repository : ""
User : roger
Project Area : Automations
Instance ID : iTestAdapter
Poll interval : 5
Retry count : 32013-07-03 14:20:04,675 INFO - Trying to create and connect the adapter
2013-07-03 14:20:05,166 INFO - Failed to register at first attempt. Trying again...
2013-07-03 14:20:05,172 INFO - Failed to register at second attempt. Check RQM login settigns
Error during initialization: Failed to register at RQM server.
I am sure the login settings are correct
the user can connect rqm UI with user/password without problem.
The user is a Test Team member role with full permission on "Register tool adapter" and "Save adapter request".
Do I need to permit some others hide options in RQM to permit this registration?
maybe some one already did this reqistration.
One answer
thx for answering
i have changed my config file as follow:
--repository https\://\:9443/qm
--adapter.user roger
--adapter.password xxxxx
--projectArea Automations
--instanceID iTestAdapter
--pollInterval 5
--retryCount 3
the projectArea name is full: "Automations"
I get same error message
2013-07-03 17:07:47,291 INFO - CONFIGURATION DATA:
Config file :
Repository : https\://\:9443/qm
User : roger
Project Area : Automations
Instance ID : iTestAdapter
Poll interval : 5
Retry count : 3
2013-07-03 17:07:47,292 INFO - Trying to create and connect the adapter
2013-07-03 17:07:47,773 INFO - Failed to register at first attempt. Trying again...
2013-07-03 17:07:47,777 INFO - Failed to register at second attempt. Check RQM login settigns
Error during initialization: Failed to register at RQM server.
any other idea?
I have fixed the URL as origin the error message in RQM_adapter.log is:
2013-07-03 17:17:19,368 INFO - Trying to create and connect the adapter
2013-07-03 17:17:19,728 INFO - Successfully created an HTTP client
2013-07-03 17:17:19,890 INFO - The adapter is now connected
2013-07-03 17:17:20,088 ERROR - Error in GET for URL:; ResponseCode:404
1 vote
Roger, I still see an error.