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how can use dependency between Work Items to warn me on possible risk

Shimon Nir (241116) | asked Jun 28 '13, 6:06 a.m.
Here is the use case:
WI A depends on WI B. B does not complete on time (as scheduled). A which is due to start upon completion of B is not late in execution and hence the whole project release is at risk or will be late. In MS project the Guntt is automatically moved.
Does RTC Guntt chart have the same behavior ? Is it possible to view this in Risk view ?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 28 '13, 6:35 a.m.

the formal process template uses the predecessor/successor link for scheduling. No template uses the depends on link to do calculations. There is no semantic built into the tool. I am not sure if you can achieve what you want because planning has no extension points. You might be able to use the Java API to run through the work items and create warnings.

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Erwin Kunz (94687086) | answered Jun 28 '13, 8:29 a.m.

We introduced a new field Due Iteration as Iteration where we can say "not later than"

Then we have a Birt report showing the Planned for and the Due Iteration. I think we color the one where planned for is behind Due Iteration. It's not a warning, but it helps

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 28 '13, 9:04 a.m.

Nice solution Erwin.

The problem above is, that depends on does not affect the scheduler.You have to use the predecessor, successor relationship. If you do, the plan should show a warning, if you configure the plan checks, and the work item is planned to be finished in an iteration, but the scheduler detects it exceeds the time, I think. At least that is what I see in the agile planning.

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