What is the latest version of OSLC?
This link was suggested for how to construct an OSLC workitem query: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/WorkItemAPIsForOSLCCM20#Query_Capabilities
(Reference question: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/116945/reportable-rest-api-versus-plain-java-client-api-for-accessing-work-item-queries-and-work-item-attributes?redirect=%2Fforum%2Fquestions%2F116945%2Freportable-rest-api-versus-plain-java-client-api-for-accessing-work-item-queries-and-work-item-attributes)
My question is: I see that link is for RTC/OSLC 2.0. Is there a link for RTC/OSLC 4.x?
We are using RTC 4.0.1.
Accepted answer
According to http://open-services.net/specifications/ OSLC 2.0 is the latest finalized spec for Core, Change, Quality and Requirements Management. Since RTC v3.0.1 (at least) we have supported the OSLC 2.0 Core specification (noted in your first link). If we wrote it more carefully, it would likely say "RTC (any current version)/OSLC 2.0" at this point.