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Integration with RQM

Jyotsna Mishra (1143) | asked Dec 20 '08, 3:20 a.m.
I have already installed RTC and Jazz platform in my machine and now want to install RQM and want to work with it..Is there any way of doing this?

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Dec 23 '08, 7:28 a.m.
what I have done:
- downloaded RQM
- installed RQM server alongside with my current RTC server (in a
separate directory) and used the embedded Derby DB (my RTC is using DB2).
- modify port number settings to avoir collision
(note that current RQM server is at 1.0 level)
- used my already installed RTC Client to connect to the RQM server (I
created a new and dedicated workspace).


jyotsnamishra84 a crit :
I have already installed RTC and Jazz platform in my machine and now
want to install RQM and want to work with it..Is there any way of
doing this?

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