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Build issue

megha mittal (15112615) | asked Dec 18 '08, 7:27 a.m.
I am new to jazz build system and facing a issue.

We have 3 components in one stream and each component has its seperate build.xml.

So i read the tutorial and created a dedicated build workspace and added all 3 components, created a build engine and 3 build definations for these 3 components.

Now in these 3 definations i have given same workspace (one created for build) and same path in load directory(the path is relative to directory where buildengine is running).

On ant page i have given build file location with respect to the path in load directory.

Example my path in load directory is ./workspace
So my build file path is ./workspace/<component>/build.xml

Now when i click request build for one build defination i could see my output in ./workspace directory.(My output is a tar file).

Problem here arises is that when i click request build for next build defination my first build output is no longer existing .

I couldnt understand the behaviour.Am i missing something?
Pls help

2 answers

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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered Dec 31 '08, 1:23 p.m.

If you want to keep files from one build to the next, make sure that the "Delete directory before loading" checkbox on the Jazz Source Control page of the build definition is not checked.

Jazz Developer
I am new to jazz build system and facing a issue.

We have 3 components in one stream and each component has its seperate build.xml.

So i read the tutorial and created a dedicated build workspace and added all 3 components, created a build engine and 3 build definations for these 3 components.

Now in these 3 definations i have given same workspace (one created for build) and same path in load directory(the path is relative to directory where buildengine is running).

On ant page i have given build file location with respect to the path in load directory.

Example my path in load directory is ./workspace
So my build file path is ./workspace/<component>/build.xml

Now when i click request build for one build defination i could see my output in ./workspace directory.(My output is a tar file).

Problem here arises is that when i click request build for next build defination my first build output is no longer existing .

I couldnt understand the behaviour.Am i missing something?
Pls help

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megha mittal (15112615) | answered Jan 08 '09, 1:20 a.m.
Thanks for reply.I have checked all 3 build definitions and that checkbox is unchecked.Can there be any oother reason for the issue.

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