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How to query for work items using Enumeration List Picker

Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | asked Apr 26 '13, 9:50 a.m.
We added a new EnumerationList attribute to a work item, and then in the editor, I have a Picker Enumeration List.

The field is NOT required.  If someone does NOT enter a value, when I show this in the query, it is blank.
However, I haven't found a way to set things and query such that I can say:

give me all work items of this type where this attribute does NOT have a value or where it HAS a value

I have tried to set the Default and Unassigned literal, but the field is still blank (the default value is not used it seems). Also in a query, I've tried to query for work items where this "exists", but even those that are "blank" show up the query where I say that it "exists".

Can someone help on this?

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Aradhya K (1.4k54345) | answered Apr 30 '13, 4:02 a.m.
Currently there is no Query condition to check if the enumeration value is set or not.
Without that straight forward option the work around would be to select all the enum options with "is" condition.

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