QTP adapter in 4.0.2 - supported versions of QTP

One answer

Hi Vladimir,
Please go through the release notes available with the QTP Adapter package (https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/releases/4.0.2/RQM-QTP-Adapter-v4.0.2.zip).
You will find the information as follows in the readme.html file
"The adapter works with the following versions of HP Quick Test Professional software: v 9.0, v 9.1, v 9.2 and v 9.5. The adapter had also been tested with Quick Test Professional 10.0. & 11.0"
Please go through the release notes available with the QTP Adapter package (https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/releases/4.0.2/RQM-QTP-Adapter-v4.0.2.zip).
You will find the information as follows in the readme.html file
"The adapter works with the following versions of HP Quick Test Professional software: v 9.0, v 9.1, v 9.2 and v 9.5. The adapter had also been tested with Quick Test Professional 10.0. & 11.0"

Thank you for answer, Rahul.
Does it mean all mentioned QTP versions are supported? I would like to understand if I should submit PMR or it's unsupported case anyway.

We need to get the supported versions front and center on the jazz.net download page for the adapters. We're working on that.
In the mean-time, QTP11 is indeed supported and you should open a PMR so we can get to the bottom of your hang problem.