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Customize Feeds

Amlan Sengupta (33289) | asked Apr 11 '13, 1:46 p.m.
edited Apr 11 '13, 3:49 p.m.

Under the Team Artifact Perspective. I am trying to customize feeds on a particular project.

I am monitoring feeds as a JazzAdmin. Objective is to monitor activities that are happening at a particular project level. When a user changes the group permission of an individual on the project, all I seem to get on the feed is

Membership of area ' Application_Blaaaaaa ' was changed by User1.

Is there a way to customize the feed so we get more details on what the User1 did ?

- Amlan

2 answers

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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered Apr 11 '13, 4:44 p.m.
Hi Amlan,

You may want to look at this similar thread and I hope this will give you some pointers.

Amlan Sengupta commented Apr 12 '13, 7:01 a.m. | edited Apr 12 '13, 12:01 p.m.

let me check it out. Thank u

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Amlan Sengupta (33289) | answered Apr 12 '13, 1:02 p.m.
As a follow up could we use something like this ?


The thing is this works, but just does not give enough details. Is there a way to provide additional params to modify the output for additional details.

- Amlan

Or would Indradi's suggestion above would the way to go ?

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