Attribute customization
3 answers
As you can see in and as described (I hope) in lab 5 the class name is defined in the dojo.declare() statement and made visible outside using the dojo.provide() statement.
Ok. How do you know what the dojo.declare statement is suppose to be ?
How do you know when it should be
com.example.ValueProvider or APIExample?
Well, you should use your own ID schema such as com.mycompany.script.something. You call it as you like. Just make sure provide and declare are the same and the ID is unique across your scripts.
How the rest of the class should look like (which funktion) is described in the links above and you get the right example code if you download it.
Sandy Grewal
JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 11 '13, 9:18 a.m.I am not sure I understand the scenario, can you please provide details?
De'Shea Bennett
Apr 11 '13, 11:09 a.m.In the RTC if you open a project, go to Process Configuration, Configuration Data, Work Items then Attribute Customization and choose a calculated value... you'll see the class name over to the right.
How is the class name set and what does it mean?