How can fields from parent work items be populated into children work items?
We have work items with parent-children relationship and need to have a query on children work items with grouping with a field in parent work items. Understand that currently, such feature is yet to be available (in RTC3 or RTC4). Alternatively, can the value of that field of parent be populated/copied to children work item e.g. on work item creation?
Accepted answer
Doris, this can only be done with a Java extension. Start here: follow the posts that are linked to it and finally follow and replace the attributes with what you are interested in.
This might describe a simpler way to do it, but it is still a Java Extension and would require deploying it on the client and the server:
Please be aware this is not simple.
This might describe a simpler way to do it, but it is still a Java Extension and would require deploying it on the client and the server:
Please be aware this is not simple.