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Where to download Ration Team Server?

Dan Dan Wang (2132) | asked Nov 25 '08, 5:54 a.m.
Hi dears, I'm a new member here?
I learned from some tutorial materials that I can download "Rational Team Server" from this link(, but I got a failure, this is not a available link.
Anyone can help me?
Or I need to download the full "Rationa Team Concert" now?

Thanks a lot.

3 answers

permanent link
Jan Van de Poel (2413216) | answered Nov 25 '08, 6:16 a.m.
Hi ddwang,

you can find all the downloads here:

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 26 '08, 1:24 a.m.
Hello ddwang,

Thanks a lot, JanVdP.

I find these downloads, it seems that Rational Team Server can not be
downloaded separately.

Following the "Other download options" or "All download" this points to downloading
just the server as .zip install option:


permanent link
Dan Dan Wang (2132) | answered Nov 26 '08, 4:54 a.m.
Thanks a lot, JanVdP.

I find these downloads, it seems that Rational Team Server can not be downloaded separately.

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