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Can Build System Toolkit and Jazz Server be on same machine

David Weber (7621810) | asked Nov 21 '08, 2:27 p.m.
The Jazz Build Overview page states that teams 'typically' install their Build System on a separate machine from their Jazz Server. Is the separation absolutely required? For a small development team, can the Build Machine and Jazz Server be the same machine?

Thanks in advance,


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Chris Melikian (6672) | answered Nov 24 '08, 11:43 a.m.
The Jazz Build Overview page states that teams 'typically' install their Build System on a separate machine from their Jazz Server. Is the separation absolutely required? For a small development team, can the Build Machine and Jazz Server be the same machine?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Dave, yes you can have the JBE and server on the same machine.

The reason to separate them is that the JBE might impose a large load when building (think one JVM for the build engine, another JVM for Ant and another for running your JUnit tests etc) in terms of memory and processor so you could be hurting other users of RTC while a build is in progress.

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