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How to get and update the owner of the work item via Java API?

Jayee Huang (1321111) | asked Mar 08 '13, 11:02 a.m.
 I can get and update some string attributes of a work item via Java API. 
copiedWorkItem is the object of IWorkItem;
 String currentSummary = copiedWorkItem.getHTMLSummary().getPlainText().trim();
            if (!currentSummary.equalsIgnoreCase(workitem.getSummary().trim())){
                IAttribute summaryAttribute= workItemClient.findAttribute(projectArea, IWorkItem.SUMMARY_PROPERTY, monitor);
                copiedWorkItem.setValue(summaryAttribute, workitem.getSummary());
But I cannot get and set the value of "Owner". Who can help me? 

Accepted answer

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Andrew Niefer (7135) | answered Mar 08 '13, 11:35 a.m.
<tt>IWorkItem.getOwner()</tt> and <tt>IWorkItem.setOwner()</tt> deal with <tt>IContributorHandle</tt>, not strings.  I'm not really sure how this interacts with the <tt>OWNER_PROPERTY</tt> attribute.

Working with getOwner() would look something more like this:
IContributorHandle ownerHandle = workitem.getOwner();
//fetch the full object to see things like IContributor.getName(), IContributor.getUserId(), etc...
IContributor owner = teamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(ownerHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, progressMonitor);

If you want to change the owner, use the IContributorManager to get the contributor:
IContributor newOwner = teamRepo.contributorManager().fetchContributorByUserId(newOwnerUserId, progressMonitor);

Jayee Huang selected this answer as the correct answer

Jayee Huang commented Mar 11 '13, 11:15 a.m.
I meet a new problem, I cannot find the right API to get and update status of a work item. 
Andrew, do you know about that?

One other answer

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Jayee Huang (1321111) | answered Mar 11 '13, 5:13 a.m.
Thanks Andrew. I used this in my project and it worked.
But I think it is very hard to find the correct API with clear specification.

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