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mixing and matching server, client, and license editions

Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | asked Nov 18 '08, 5:55 p.m.
Would someone be able to comment on my observations about mixing editions? Thanks.

I understand the RTC Express-C, Express, and Standard Editions have the same bits (given the same version number). The difference lies with what enterprise features you can use and the number of maximum client licenses available. So, for example, an Express Edition Client can access a Standard Edition Server. I have tested this and found it to be so with trial licenses.

For a std jazz server, I can only upload one type (edition) of client developer license. For example, if I upload one for std and then try and upload one for express (b/c I have different clients connecting to this server), it will wipe out the std. This makes sense to me why it would do so, but is my understanding correct, or am I doing something wrong?

Shall I assume that I would not even be able to upload a std client license with an express jazz server?

The type of contributor license does not seem to matter (at least with the 1.0.1 activation). Is that so?

Lastly, is the recommendation that the editions should match, i.e. the edition of the clients should match the server to which they are connecting?

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Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Nov 19 '08, 11:48 a.m.
You've got a lot of questions in that post, so I'll try to explain the
server/client/license with highlights from your questions and hopefully
I'll cover everything.

First, there is only one type of client, the RTC client. There are no
client editions, so mixing server / client editions isn't quite

About the server editions vs licenses... the server edition is defined
by it's server license key. When you download a Standard server, you
are essentially downloading the same server as Express-C, but with a
different license key. So, when it comes to installing Client Access
License keys onto a server, you are right when you say that you can only
install CALs of the same type as the server edition. When you associate
a CAL with a user, it enables them to use certain function on the
server, no matter what client they are connecting to the server with.

Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team

On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 22:57 +0000, atiacobo wrote:
Would someone be able to comment on my observations about mixing
editions? Thanks.

I understand the RTC Express-C, Express, and Standard Editions have
the same bits (given the same version number). The difference lies
with what enterprise features you can use and the number of maximum
client licenses available. So, for example, an Express Edition
Client can access a Standard Edition Server. I have tested this and
found it to be so with trial licenses.

For a std jazz server, I can only upload one type (edition) of client
developer license. For example, if I upload one for std and then try
and upload one for express (b/c I have different clients connecting to
this server), it will wipe out the std. This makes sense to me why it
would do so, but is my understanding correct, or am I doing something

Shall I assume that I would not even be able to upload a std client
license with an express jazz server?

The type of contributor license does not seem to matter (at least with
the 1.0.1 activation). Is that so?

Lastly, is the recommendation that the editions should match, i.e. the
edition of the clients should match the server to which they are

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