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HTTP value Set Provider Test returns chinese confusion code

chen fengmiao (7032932) | asked Feb 27 '13, 3:27 a.m.

I  create a HTTP Filtered Value Set on  Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Items > Attribute Customization > Value Sets :




The xml file contain chinese。

I test the configuration.The reslut:

above value returns chinese confusion code 。

can you help me?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 27 '13, 3:53 a.m.
I would try to look at the encoding of the file. E.g. try UTF-8. does the XML display correct in your Browser?
I tried to cover my experiences with Attribute Customization including the HTTP based Value provider in Lab 4 in but I did not try different languages.

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