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RRC - How to embed an artifact within a document and display attributes while making it easy to use and easy to print?

Saurabh Malhotra (15231617) | asked Feb 22 '13, 1:27 p.m.
I am working with a customer and they are attempting to create a larger Business Requirement Document that has lots of information within it. They are currently taking the information within the document, creating artifacts with them and having them be embedded into the RRC document, this all works well for some of the document sections, however in other sections we need to show more than just the name and the primary text of the artifact.  For example:


Business Rule




Some Business Rule:

  • do X always

  • verify y always etc.


Business and Conceptual Design working sessions

Some other Rule - Access will be role-based


Some other Rule – Must login to search



Another rule – only 3 access points


BRD Inspection

Another Rule – Global users can't do anything


So we are creating the artifact called business rule but how do we get the status and the source (currently stored in attributes) to show up in the document?

I see two options:

1) Enhancing Modules to be more customizable. I tried to use Modules, but the main issue I see is that if I want a column to appear for one type of artifact it will show up for all artifacts. For example I may be using source just for business rules and nothing else. This makes the module quite unfriendly to use when I end up with 8 or 9 columns.

2) Enhancing the embedding feature within rrc documents to allow at least one of the following:
  • embed artifacts in a table format
  • embed collections within documents
  • embed modules within documents
  • embed modules within modules
Can this be achieved today without a lot of manual typing?

All ideas welcome!


Saurabh Malhotra commented Feb 22 '13, 4:44 p.m.

 Along with that I also tried this:

I embed the same artifact in two columns within a table and show the title in one column and the primary text in another column. This looks great in RRC but when I print this document, I either get the primary text only in both columns or the title and primary text in both columns. I don't see a way of printing what I see in the RRC document.  Example:

In the RRC document via the browser I have:

In the printed reports I get either:


depending on how I print the report.

Is there another way or printing the document that will more closely represent what I see in the RRC document?

2 answers

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Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar (7225) | answered Feb 25 '13, 10:20 a.m.
Hi Saurabh,
 You can either use the module print but it will create a column for each attribute (since it is designed to create a table) or create your own custom report to display and include the specific information you want.

Saurabh Malhotra commented Feb 25 '13, 10:35 a.m.

Hi Edgar,

Thanks for the response. Any recommendations on places to start for custom RRC reports?

Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar commented Feb 25 '13, 1:10 p.m.

 You can check on the Reporting development wiki

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Jared Pulham (32113) | answered Feb 25 '13, 11:59 a.m.
The column display will show the attribute for the full module but it will only allow you to input (or display) a value for artifact types that use the attribute. What you are looking for with more concise displays and attribute value customization will require enhancing for the Module. We are continuing to work on the module this year but the attribute display area and calculated attributes are not on the list. We're working more on usability.

The use and the support or embedded artifacts is not that extensive and you are now reaching much of the limits of how they display and print. If you can then I would really advise that you move to using reused artifacts on their own (not embedded) in a module as opposed to an embedded artifact in another artifact. Most of the features in RRC support plain artifacts much better on their own.

For the printing results I would try a full RPE report and then print because of the level of customization you are trying to do with embedded artifacts.

Saurabh Malhotra commented Feb 25 '13, 12:19 p.m.
Are there any thoughts on allowing Modules to be embedded into RRC documents?

It is an interesting use case. You would have a document with an embedded module which would have embedded artifacts. This would give the end user a lot of flexibility in the kinds of table formed data that could show up in RRC documents. 

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