Attribute Type
The initial run of a new ClearCase synchronization job returned:
Caused by: Error parsing arguments: cleartool: Error: Unable to perform operation "make attribute" in replica "westford_nt" of VOB "\socnet.projects".
This set of vobs is a replicated and another site started using Jazz w/ Connector in July with a different component vob.
I think it dies trying to make attribute in my component vob because the global attribute type is mastered in dubcc03 and it's unshared.
attribute type ""
2008-07-03T07:04:58-04:00 by taskdash.ccusers@dubxpcblade24
master replica: dubcc03@\socnet.projects
instance mastership:unshared
owner: IRIS\clearcase_vobadmin
group: IRIS\ccusers
scope: global
value type: string
I believe the attribute type (in the pvob) needs to be shared. Could you confirm or point me in the right direction.
Caused by: Error parsing arguments: cleartool: Error: Unable to perform operation "make attribute" in replica "westford_nt" of VOB "\socnet.projects".
This set of vobs is a replicated and another site started using Jazz w/ Connector in July with a different component vob.
I think it dies trying to make attribute in my component vob because the global attribute type is mastered in dubcc03 and it's unshared.
attribute type ""
2008-07-03T07:04:58-04:00 by taskdash.ccusers@dubxpcblade24
master replica: dubcc03@\socnet.projects
instance mastership:
owner: IRIS\clearcase_vobadmin
group: IRIS\ccusers
scope: global
value type: string
I believe the attribute type (in the pvob) needs to be shared. Could you confirm or point me in the right direction.
2 answers
You are correct, it should have been created as shared. I've submitted
workitem 64434 to get this fixed.
eanderso wrote:
workitem 64434 to get this fixed.
eanderso wrote:
We changed the attribute type in the mastering replica to
shared and we're back in business (i.e.
the sync job is working).
The connector should create it as shared unless there is a reason for
not sharing it - the default for mkattype is unshared.