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Migration from Base ClearCase - Heavy usage of command line and unix

Yaron Norani (47267065) | asked Feb 09 '13, 9:56 a.m.

One of our customers is currently using ClearCase, Base. Mainly from Unix.
I have some considerations regarding the migration path to RTC:
1. Currently the customer is using the following ClearCase clients:

Solaris 8 (SPARC)

Solaris 10 (x86)

How will we implement it with RTC?

I thought about using RTC installed client on supported OS, such as Linux, and having the sandbox location at the below clients for coding and compilation.

Do you have other idea?

2.       Easy terminal window based research of complete change history based on regular expressions and standard Unix commands (e.g. find –exec grep ‘Bad change’ \; -print)

Currently they make benefit of the extended bath name capability with ClearCase ( @@ option).

3. Bugzilla integration - what are the option to integrate Bugzilla instead the Work Item usage?

4. Command line SCM capabilities - they use ClearCase Cleartool capabilities - what is the option with RTC? scm / lscm ?

Thanks a lot,

Yaron N.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 09 '13, 2:45 p.m.
1. The approach you describe is the one I would use for a client platform that is not an officially supported RTC client platform (see for that list).   The alternative is to try it out, to see if the RTC client works on Solaris ... Eclipse runs on a lot of platforms that aren't officially supported as RTC client platforms.  But Rational Support won't be able to help you if you run into a client problem.

2. Don't think there is a way to do that.

3. RTC-SCM will integrate with any OSLC CM provider.  If you want to use Bugzilla instead of RTC work items, then you'd need to find or create  an OSLC CM provider for Bugzilla.

4. Yes, scm and lscm are the RTC-SCM command-line tools.

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