ELM - Migrating Derby to Oracle database todo.png

Authors: Main.Natarajan Thirumeni
Build basis: Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.2

This wiki talks about moving a Derby Database to Oracle of DNG application. In theory, same process is applicable moving a JTS / CCM / RQM databases from Derby to Oracle.

The steps outlined here is for IBM support personal use. Even if you're an expert in CLM & DB export / import , is still highly recommended to touch base IBM ELM support team prior to run through these steps

  • You must have administrative privileges on the database server.

  • A supported version of a database that you are moving to must be installed.

  • Use the repotools -export and -import commands only to change database vendors; for example, by changing from Derby to Oracle. The repotool command are available out of box to export and import database.

  • The DB migration is feasible if DB content is relatively smaller in size. If the size of the DB is large, the export / import could take longer. Please, check with IBM ELM Support team if you have a question related to DB sizes.

  • The out of the box repotool command may not work well if the server is renamed (that is, PUBLIC URI of the server renamed from abc to xyz). On that case, check with IBM ELM support team for an alternative approach.

  • The DB migration includes:
    • Setting an Oracle DB for DNG application,
    • Exporting Derby DB ,
    • Preparing teamserver.properties for import to work
    • Finally validation.

DB migration - Setting an Oracle DB for DNG application

Before running a import, you must ensure Oracle table space for DNG is created. It means, you'd create a table space in Oracle not tables. My example is based on Oracle on Windows and this can be replaced as per your DB environment.

RM and RM_TEMP tablespace (you can call it different name as per set your company) must be created. And the followed by create DB user, RM_DB_USER and a password (in my case it was set to DNGonOracle1). And grant permission (last line SQL statement see below)

  • Note: The steps outlined in the wiki are based on older versions of CLM, and this is still good for ELM v702 and above.

DATAFILE 'C:\app\Administrator\virtual\oradata\VISION1\RM.DBF'

TEMPFILE 'C:\app\Administrator\virtual\oradata\VISION1\RM_TEMP.DBF'


Note : Oracle DB was created based on ELM product documentation at ELM Docs

DB migration - Exporting Derby DB

  • Our aim is move an existing Derby DNG (Doors Next Generation application) from Derby to Oracle. The platform was using all ELM application, however a user unknowingly left DNG application to use Derby Database that was provided out of the box. Our goal to move Derby to Oracle.

  • Prior to migration of Derby, take a back-up of Derby database of DNG. Since this a derby DB, you can back-up Derby file system

High level steps

1. Get a count of the number of objects in the DB using "https://server:port/context/repodebug/repository/itemCount"

2. Save the page in HTML

3. Stop all ELM application including DNG.

4. Backup of the Derby DB of DNG

cd to /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rm
cp derby derby.ORG.{date}

5. Run the export command

  cd to /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rm
 $repotools-rm.sh -export toFile=/tmp/exportRMDB.tar teamserver.properties=conf/rm/teamserver.properties

The export can take several hours as depends on amount of data it needs to be exported. You can check the status of the export command in the export log in the file system. Once the export is completed you will see a message like this in the export log

2020-09-12 17:57:19,833 Repo Tools
2020-09-12 17:57:19,834 java.version=1.8.0_191
2020-09-12 17:57:19,834 java.runtime.version= - pxa6480sr5fp25-20181030_01(SR5 FP25)
2020-09-12 17:57:19,837 Provisioning using "./conf/rm/provision_profiles".
2020-09-12 17:57:19,862 repotools-rm -export teamserver.properties=conf/rm/teamserver.properties toFile=/tmp/exportRM.tar
2020-09-12 17:57:19,863   Global patch active at /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/patch/CLM_server_patch_6.0.6.1-iFix003-CALM6061M-I20190718-0352.zip: "CLM_server_patch_6.0.6.1-CALM6061M-I20190718-0352.zip"

2020-09-12 17:57:19,880 
 To submit questions about issues, go to the Jazz.net forum at https://jazz.net/forum. 
 To find more information about a message, see the online product documentation.
2020-09-12 17:57:19,881 CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/rm/teamserver.properties".
2020-09-12 17:57:23,337 CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
2020-09-12 17:57:23,529 CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "conf/rm/derby/repositoryDB"
2020-09-12 17:57:23,932 CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
 Db Product Name: Apache Derby
  Db Product Version: - (1582446)
  Db URL: jdbc:derby:conf/rm/derby/repositoryDB;create=true
  Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
  Jdbc Driver Version: - (1582446)
2020-09-12 17:57:27,369 CRJAZ2558I Setting the local server rename state to false and the openServerDescriptionServiceTemporarily state to false.
2020-09-12 17:57:27,392 CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with: 
  Public URI: "https://<<server>>/rm"
  Jazz Team Server location: "https://<<server>>/jts/"
2020-09-12 17:57:27,511 CRJAZ2523I Setting the global server rename state to false and the validation state to false.
2020-09-12 17:57:28,858 CRJAZ8190I: The full-text index should point to an absolute directory, but is currently set to 'conf/rm/indices/artifactindex'. The location of the full-text index will resolve to '/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rm/indices/artifactindex/_8GsW0K_MEemqyLEbJf8Kng'.
2020-09-12 17:57:29,913 CRJAZ2105I Checking for a running server...
2020-09-12 17:57:29,966 The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "conf/rm/derby/repositoryDB".
2020-09-12 17:57:29,971 Exporting the data from the database "conf/rm/derby/repositoryDB" to the file "/tmp/exportRMDB.tar".
2020-09-12 17:57:29,971 Using encoding "UTF-8" for TAR file headers.
2020-09-12 17:57:42,273 
2020-09-12 17:57:42,275 Exporting all the items present in the repository in offline mode.
2020-09-12 17:57:42,275 
2020-09-12 17:57:42,399 Exporting com.ibm.team.repository/ChangeEvent.
2020-09-12 17:57:42,589 Exported 93 ChangeEvent items in 189 ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    Marker : 1602 items, 1602 item states exported in 684ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345 com.ibm.team.globalconfiguration
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    UriPair : 10 items, 10 item states exported in 10ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    GlobalConfiguration : 4 items, 4 item states exported in 6ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345 com.ibm.team.reports
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    ReportQueryDescriptor : 0 items, 0 item states exported in 0ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    StorageNode : 293 items, 293 item states exported in 165ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    FolderDescriptor : 0 items, 0 item states exported in 0ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345    ReportDescriptor : 0 items, 0 item states exported in 0ms.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345 
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345 Export completed successfully.
2020-09-12 18:16:45,345 The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "conf/rm/derby/repositoryDB".

Please note: Before running a export increase JVM heap size in the repotools-rm.sh command. Eg (to be added) Ensure, all applications are down until a import process is completed!!

DB migration : Preparing teamserver.properties for import to run

1. Make a backup of existing teamserver.properties which contain a DB connections to Derby

2. Edit teamserver.properties file, comment out the Derby lines and add the following (eg)

com.ibm.team.repository.db.vendor = ORACLE

3. Save teamserver.properties file

4. Run the repotool command import eg

   Cd to /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rm
   Run repotools-rm.sh -import fromFile=/tmp/exportRMDB.tar teamserver.properties=conf/rm/teamserver.properties

The repotool command will read /tmp/exportRMDB.tar file and will import into Oracle database. The import command could take longer then an export because during import we write data into database

2020-09-13 01:50:03,084 Repo Tools
2020-09-13 01:50:03,084 java.version=1.8.0_191
2020-09-13 01:50:03,084 java.runtime.version= - pxa6480sr5fp25-20181030_01(SR5 FP25)
2020-09-13 01:50:03,088 Provisioning using "./conf/rm/provision_profiles".
2020-09-13 01:50:03,103 repotools-rm -import fromFile=/tmp/exportRMDB.tar teamserver.properties=conf/rm/teamserver.properties
2020-09-13 01:50:03,105   Global patch active at /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/patch/CLM_server_patch_6.0.6.1-iFix003-CALM6061M-I20190718-0352.zip: "CLM_server_patch_6.0.6.1-CALM6061M-I20190718-0352.zip"

2020-09-13 01:50:03,123 
 To submit questions about issues, go to the Jazz.net forum at https://jazz.net/forum. 
 To find more information about a message, see the online product documentation.
2020-09-13 01:50:03,123 CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/rm/teamserver.properties".
2020-09-13 01:50:06,189 CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
2020-09-13 01:50:06,368 CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>"
2020-09-13 01:50:06,727 CRJAZ3002I The connection to the following database was successful:
 Db Product Name: Oracle
  Db Product Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
  Db URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>
  Jdbc Driver Name: Oracle JDBC driver
  Jdbc Driver Version:
  SchemaName: RM_DB_USER

2020-09-13 01:50:07,928 CRJAZ2558I Setting the local server rename state to false and the openServerDescriptionServiceTemporarily state to false.
2020-09-13 01:50:07,945 CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with: 
  Public URI: "https://<<Server>>/rm"
  Jazz Team Server location: "https://<<serer>>/jts/"
2020-09-13 01:50:08,221 CRJAZ2523I Setting the global server rename state to false and the validation state to false.
2020-09-13 01:50:08,475 CRJAZ2105I Checking for a running server...
2020-09-13 01:50:08,524 Creating the tables for the database "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>" without indices.
2020-09-13 01:50:26,808 CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with: 
  Public URI: "https://<<server>>/rm"
  Jazz Team Server location: "https://<<server>>/jts/"
2020-09-13 01:50:27,456 CRJAZ8190I: The full-text index should point to an absolute directory, but is currently set to 'conf/rm/indices/artifactindex'. The location of the full-text index will resolve to '/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rm/indices/artifactindex/__bHWQfWEEeqNNc3NAFxjqQ'.
2020-09-13 01:50:28,789 The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>".
2020-09-13 01:50:28,939 The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>".
2020-09-13 01:50:28,956 CRJZS5650I Indices directory is /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/conf/rm/indices
2020-09-13 01:50:28,957 The database tables were created successfully.
2020-09-13 01:50:29,557 CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>"
2020-09-13 01:50:29,595 CRJAZ3002I The connection to the following database was successful:
 Db Product Name: Oracle
  Db Product Version: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
  Db URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>
  Jdbc Driver Name: Oracle JDBC driver
  Jdbc Driver Version:
  SchemaName: RM_DB_USER

2020-09-13 01:50:33,410 CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with: 
  Public URI: "https://<<server>>/rm"
  Jazz Team Server location: "https://<<server>>/jts/"
2020-09-13 01:50:34,569 The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>".
2020-09-13 01:50:34,569 Importing the data from the file "/tmp/exportRM.tar" into the database "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>".
2020-09-13 01:50:34,569 Using encoding "UTF-8" for TAR file headers.
2020-09-13 01:50:34,576 
Reading the TAR file /tmp/exportRM.tar...
2020-09-13 01:50:35,296 Finished reading the TAR file "/tmp/exportRMDB.tar" in 722 ms.
2020-09-13 01:50:35,297 Using deserializer caching options to improve migration performance.
2020-09-13 01:50:35,297 Configured to update database stats every 1800000ms.
2020-09-13 01:50:35,297 Importing contents from /tmp/exportRMDB.tar into the repository.
2020-09-13 01:50:36,077 
Migrating data exported from the following model versions
2020-09-13 01:50:36,077    Namespace URI = com.ibm.team.repository.auth, Version = 4
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579    Marker : 1602 items, 1602 item states imported.
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579 com.ibm.team.globalconfiguration
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579    UriPair : 10 items, 10 item states imported.
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579    GlobalConfiguration : 4 items, 4 item states imported.
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579 com.ibm.team.reports
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579    StorageNode : 293 items, 293 item states imported.
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579 
2020-09-13 04:18:36,579 Migration completed successfully.
2020-09-13 04:18:36,580 The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "thin:xxxxxxxx@//<<OracleDBHostName>>:1521/<<SIDName>>".

Validation and Release application for usage

Assuming, import log shows all green, its time to bring up all ELM application. Remember on start up, JTS starts up first and then followed by all ELM applications. The plain text password that was included in the import process in teamserver.properties file, will be encrypted on a server start-up.

Once the RM application is up and running you may want to check RM admin page to ensure all diagnostic tests are passed including DB connections to Oracle.

1. Get a count of the number of objects in the DB "https://<>:<>/rm/repodebug/repository/itemCount"

2. Save item count into a html page for validation.

This can be compared with 1:1 mapping from the item count that was taken out of Derby database. The item must match from Derby to Oracle.

Based on our experience, repotool import process took about 2 hours and 30 minutes, to insert 10GB DNG data into Oracle. This can be different for each deployment as it depends on a data shape.

As part of validation, we would compare Export / import logs with item state count page(before and after migration). The log should shows 1:1 mappings across

For example: Change and ChangeSet are identical across export / import and item states.

2020-09-12 17:57:42,589 Exported 83 ChangeEvent items <======= *Exported change event numbers out of repotool export command*
2020-09-13 04:15:42,112 Imported 83 ChangeEvent items <=======*Imported change event numbers into database*
2020-09-12 18:01:27,335 Exported 14314 ChangeSet items <======= *ChangeSet numbers of export log out using repotool command*
2020-09-13 04:15:42,112 Imported 14314 ChangeSet items <======= *ChangeSet numbers of import log into DB using of repotool command*

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

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Additional contributors: TWikiUser, TWikiUser

This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentMigratingAndEvolving > MigratingDNGDBFromDerby2Oracle
History: r4 - 2024-01-04 - 09:36:23 - NatarajanThirumeni
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