todo.png Deploying web applications on one server by using the script

Authors: MichaelAfshar
Build basis: The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 4.0 and later, up to and including ELM 7.0.2.

Note: Support removed for IBM WebSphere Application Server (Traditional WAS) starting with ELM version 7.0.3. Use WebSphere Liberty, either embedded and installed with ELM applications, or separately installed

This Jython script deploys CLM web applications on a single WebSphere Application Server.

Before you begin

Ensure WebSphere Application Server and Jazz Team Server and CLM web applications are installed prior to running

About this task

The Jython script performs the following tasks:

  • Installs the following CLM applications, if available in the webapps directory, in a single WebSphere Application Server:
    • jts.war
    • ccm.war
    • qm.war
    • rm.war
    • admin.war
    • converter.war
    • clmhelp.war

Note: The web archive applications must have a .war extension.


  1. To deploy web applications, open a command window and change the directory to WASInstallDir/AppServer/profiles/profile_name/bin. If you have more than one profile under the profiles directory, select the profile that you want to be used for the CLM installation.
  2. Run the following command substituting WAS_username with the WebSphere Application Server admin username, WAS_password with the admin user password, path to the script with the location of the script, for example, C:/JazzTeamServer/server/was/ (notice the forward slash on Windows platform), nodeName with the WebSphere Application Server node name, serverName with the WebSphere Application Server server name, and JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/webapps with the path to the CLM application war files. To avoid problems, do not use spaces in the path. You can use double quotation marks for paths with spaces.

Remember: If you used IBM Installation Manager to install the CLM applications and during the installation cleared the check box for Install Tomcat 7 with JTS web application, by default, the web application files (.war) are copied into the JazzInstallDir/server/webapps directory. If during installation you selected Install Tomcat 7 with JTS web application, the web application files (.war) are copied into the JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/webapps directory.


./ -language jython -user WAS_username -password WAS_password -f path to the script/  nodeName serverName JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/webapps/ 


Note: You must use forward slashes for the path to the webapps directory. For example, C:/Progra~1/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/tomcat/webapps/
wsadmin.bat -language jython -user WAS_username -password WAS_password -f path to the script/  nodeName serverName JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/webapps/

After deploying the applications, log in to the WebSphere Integration Solutions Console to start the applications.

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

External links:

Additional contributors: TWikiUser, TWikiUser

This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > AutomatedScriptsForDeployingCLMOnWAS > DeployWASJython
History: r2 - 2024-01-05 - 15:36:55 - DineshKumar
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