uc.png CLM Server Monitoring with IBM Tivoli Monitoring

Authors: BorisKuschel, GeraldMitchell
Build basis: CLM 4.0.5, ITM 6.2.1+, Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring 4.0.5, Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server 4.0.5

UNDER CONSTRUCTION This page gives the instructions on how to set up the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agents for CLM Server Monitoring so that the performance data can be consumed by IBM Tivoli Monitoring components, namely Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (hereby referred to as TEMS) and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (hereby referred to as TEPS).

This page and these instructions have not been tried nor verified on supported versions of CLM Server Monitoring plugin(4.0.6 or later), and so should not be interpreted as neither instructions nor best practices at this time. This page is a general explanation and example reference only

The following server host names are assumed:

  • itm.jazz.net - Server hosting an instance of TEMS and TEPS
  • clmjts.jazz.net - instance of the JTS Server application fin which the Tivoli OS agent is installed and the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring is installed.

These instructions will cover both the installation on CLM applications hosted WebSphere Application Server and/or Tomcat, in either case the application server is installed on clmjts.jazz.net.

It is recommended to set up the agent on the same machine as the application server it is monitoring and to ensure that the JConsole tool is able to connect cleanly to the CLM Server Monitoring JMX interface.

Tivoli Agent Setup

This section assumes that the machine on which the agent is installed is able to connect cleanly to the CLM Server Monitoring interface using JConsole.

In order for Agent metadata and configuration to appear as available datasets in Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, the appropriate support files need to be installed on those servers.

Preparing TEMS and TEPS

On the TEMS and TEPS machines (itm.jazz.net), unzip the installation package for the application servers you have CLM application deployed on. If your environment contains WebSphere and Tomcat then the following instructions will need to be performed for both.

The package of WebSphere is KCH.zip while for Tomcat it's KCD.zip. Unzip the one which you wish to install and run the following script for TEPS (ensure TEMS and TEPS are started):

  • installIraAgentTEPS.(bat || sh) (eg. C:\IBM\ITM)
and for TEMS:
  • installIraAgentTEMS.(bat || sh) (eg. C:\IBM\ITM)

Installing agent

  1. On each machine (clmjts.jazz.net) with an application server hosting the CLM applications you wish to monitor, ensure that an ITM OS Agent is installed on the machine and then run the following script from the package corresponding to the application server type:
  • installIraAgent.(bat || sh) (eg. C:\IBM\ITM)
  1. Once the agent is installed it needs to be configured. We will follow the graphical setup of the agent, there is also a possibility to run the configuration from the command like. Please follow the Tivoli documentation on how to do this and substitute the same values as specified in the ITM manager GUI instructions.
    1. Run the “Manage Tivoli Monitoring Service” either from Programs on Windows or “itcmd manage” command on Unix. (Make sure to launch as administrator on windows)Selection_390.png
    2. Right click on the newly installed template and navigate to Advanced->Configure Advanced... Selection_404.png
  2. When configuring the agent, ensure to follow the general configuration information regarding the default configuration settings for the agents.

Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server (KCH)

It is possible to create an instance of the agent for each application server on the machine. We will configure one for the WebSphere Application Server hosted locally.

  1. Double click on the template entry for the agent. Selection_390.png
  2. Assign a name to the new instance. Put name of WebSphere server being monitored here. Selection_392.png
  3. In the Java configuration window, use the JDK included with the WebSphere Application Server: eg. C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java
    1. In the JVM Arguments, allocate a maximum of 1G to the agent. ( -Xmx1024) Selection_393.png
    2. Click next.
  4. In the WebSphere Application Server Configuration window, enter the parameters used in the JConsole connection script from the previous section.
  5. Ensure that the WAS base paths include the WebSphere Application server directory.
  6. Also ensure that the WAS class path has the correct version of the var for the version of WebSphere Application Server begin used (look for the version of the file in .
    • For example: runtimes/com.ibm.ws.admin.client_8.0.0.jar;plugins/com.ibm.ws.security.crypto.jar Selection_395.png
  7. Click next.
  8. Add a monitored Application for each domain found in the MBeans tab of JConsole. (ie. team.server.*). The name of the monitored application should be something recognizable for the application being monitored.Selection_396.pngSelection_398.png

Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring (KCD)

It is possible to create an instance of the agent for each application server on the machine. We will configure one for the a Tomcat instance hosted locally.

  1. Double click on the template entry for the agent.Selection_399.png
  2. Assign a name to the new instance. Put name of the server being monitored here.Selection_392.png
  3. In the Java configuration window, use the jdk used by the Tomcat server: Selection_400.png
  4. In the JVM Arguments, allocate a maximum of 1G to the agent. (-Xmx1024) Selection_400.png
  5. Click next.
  6. In the “JSR-160-Compliant Server” Configuration window, enter the parameters used when connecting using JConsole from the previous section. Include any paths or jars required for a secure connection. Selection_401.png
  7. Click next.
  8. Add a monitored Application for each domain found in the MBeans tab of JConsole. (ie. team.server.*). The name of the monitored application should be something recognizable for the application being monitored. Selection_402.png Selection_403.png

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

External links:

Additional contributors: TWikiUser, TWikiUser

  • KCH.zip: Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server (KCH) (zip)

  • KCH.tgz: Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server (KCH) (tgz)

  • KCD.zip: Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring (KCD) (zip)

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
Pngpng Selection_390.png manage 3.6 K 2013-11-05 - 15:13 UnknownUser Agent Installed
Zipzip KCD.zip manage 23877.6 K 2013-11-15 - 20:34 UnknownUser Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring (KCD) (zip)
Tgztgz KCH.tgz manage 23680.5 K 2013-11-15 - 20:31 UnknownUser Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server (KCH) (tgz)
Zipzip KCH.zip manage 23895.8 K 2013-11-15 - 20:29 UnknownUser Configuring the Monitoring Agent for CLM Server Monitoring for WebSphere Application Server (KCH) (zip)
Pngpng Selection_402.png manage 6.0 K 2013-11-05 - 15:21 UnknownUser Create Domain
Pngpng Selection_392.png manage 1.7 K 2013-11-05 - 15:14 UnknownUser Create Instance
Pngpng Selection_404.png manage 8.8 K 2013-11-05 - 15:22 UnknownUser ITM Config
Pngpng Selection_400.png manage 5.1 K 2013-11-05 - 15:20 UnknownUser Java Settings
Pngpng Selection_399.png manage 3.7 K 2013-11-05 - 15:19 UnknownUser JMX Agent INstalled
Pngpng Selection_401.png manage 9.4 K 2013-11-05 - 15:20 UnknownUser JSR160 Settings
Pngpng Selection_387.png manage 1.0 K 2013-11-05 - 15:10 UnknownUser Manage Tivoli Monitoring Service
Pngpng Selection_403.png manage 4.1 K 2013-11-05 - 15:22 UnknownUser Started Instance
Pngpng Selection_396.png manage 6.9 K 2013-11-05 - 15:18 UnknownUser WebSPhere Create Domain
Pngpng Selection_393.png manage 5.3 K 2013-11-05 - 15:15 UnknownUser WebSphere Java Settings
Pngpng Selection_395.png manage 13.7 K 2013-11-05 - 15:17 UnknownUser WebSphere Server Settings
Pngpng Selection_398.png manage 4.5 K 2013-11-05 - 15:19 UnknownUser WebSphere Started Instance
This topic: Deployment > CLMServerMonitoring > CLMMonitoringThroughITM
History: r8 - 2015-04-16 - 11:50:53 - Main.geraldmi
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