Jazz Library Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational Team Concert
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Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational Team Concert

The following known problems are related to this release.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:


Code review page fails to render in the embedded browser in the RTC client for Microsoft Visual Studio

First occurrence

Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, uses Internet Explorer (IE) 11 running in IE 9 compatibility mode as the embedded browser instance. The Open Code Review button in the work item editor opens a web page that uses the Orion JavaScript library to render the code review compare page. The Orion library needs IE 11 mode, and it does not support IE 9 compatibility mode. Hence, the code review page opens in the embedded browser but does not render the UI and the page is blank.

To use the external browser, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to the Debug > Options menu.
  2. In the Options preference dialog, search for Team Concert.
  3. From the Team Concert child preferences list, select Web browser.
  4. Select Use External Web Browser and click OK.

Related information
Work item 533102

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IBM Installation Manager does not detect Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 when it is installed

First occurrence

When you install the IBM Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, an additional option for Visual Studio 2019 is available. The option is disabled if Visual Studio 2019 is not detected on the computer, or if the Visual Studio 2019 installation is corrupt. Microsoft provides a Setup API to query installed editions of Visual Studio 2019 with sample code and utilities at Microsoft/vs-setup-samples. Run the sample to determine whether your Visual Studio 2019 installation is corrupt.

If the installation is corrupt, repair Visual Studio 2019 and ensure that it installs successfully:
  1. Close IBM Installation Manager and all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio.
  2. Repair Visual Studio 2019 by using the Visual Studio Installer as described in Repair Visual Studio .
  3. Re-run IBM Installation Manager and confirm that the Visual Studio 2019 option is enabled.
Related information

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 is unresponsive after you install Rational Team Concert

First occurrence

After you install the Rational Team Concert client for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, the IDE, at times, becomes unresponsive and the taskbar displays this message: Visual Studio is busy. This behavior is inconsistent but often occurs in the startup window or when you open Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with a solution that uses Rational Team Concert source control.

Complete these steps:
  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 in safe mode. For example, from the command prompt, run C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /SafeMode.
  2. From the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. On the Options page, click Environment > General.
  4. Clear the Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance check box.
  5. Clear the Enable rich client visual experience check box.
  6. Restart Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
Related information
Work Item 479658

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Engineering Workflow Management client is not installed on all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

First occurrence

When you install the IBM Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE from IBM Installation Manager and select Visual Studio 2019, the integration is installed on all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. However, if you install additional instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 after you install the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client, the integration is not available on the newly installed instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

Re-install the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE by completing the following steps:

1. In IBM Installation Manager, select the Modify option, deselect Visual Studio 2019, and then finish the installation.
2. In IBM Installation Manager, select the Modify option, select Visual Studio 2019, and then finish the installation.

This process installs the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client on all installed instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

Related Information
Work Item 416095

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Full-text search indexes must be rebuilt when you upgrade to 7.0 or later

First occurrence

This upgrade requires all existing full-text search indexes that were created in or earlier to be rebuilt. Full-text search indexes must be rebuilt for both the CLM servers and the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Client for Eclipse IDE.

Typically, when you upgrade an installation by using the upgrade scripts, the full-text search indexes from the earlier installation are copied to the new installation. However, the upgrade scripts do not copy previous indexes from version or earlier (including interim fixes). Instead, the new server automatically rebuilds the indexes in the background after you start it. Results of full-text searches might be incomplete until the reindexing operation is finished; the progress of the reindex is periodically written to the server log file.

Alternatively, instead of allowing the server to rebuild full-text search indexes online, you can rebuild them manually by running the repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command after the upgrade is complete, but before you start the server, where <app> is one of am, ccm, or qm. Note that reindexing might be a lengthy process and can take many hours for a large database. In the web client, a system alert in the banner states that reindexing is in progress.

If you follow a manual upgrade procedure instead of running the upgrade scripts, you must ensure that the full-text indexes are not copied from the old installation to the new installation. If the new installation is configured to use the same full-text index location as the old installation (the value of the com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation property in the old and new teamserver.properties file is the same absolute path name), you must either run the repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command before you start the server, or delete the contents of the folder at that location before you start the server. You might want to preserve the old contents if you decide to abandon the upgrade and roll back to the previous release.

If an application is clustered, the offline reindexing procedure (using repotools) or the online procedure (ensuring that the full-text index folder is empty before starting the server) must be performed on each node in the cluster.

The Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Client for Eclipse maintains a local full-text search index for the Team Artifact History view. When you upgrade the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Client for Eclipse to version or later, the full-text search index is automatically deleted, which means the artifact history is cleared and will accumulate artifacts again after the upgrade.

For CLM servers, complete one of these steps:
  • For online background indexing, no action is required except to ensure that the full-text index folder is empty before you start the server
  • For offline indexing before you start the server, run the appropriate repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command.
Related information
Work Item 467854

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Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 displays an incompatibility message

First occurrence

After you install the Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and open the IDE, the following notification is displayed: One or more of your installed extensions will not be compatible with a future Visual Studio update. If you click Manage Performance, four Rational Team Concert extensions are listed in the Deprecated APIs category. This behavior occurs because the Rational Team Concert extensions are designed to auto-load synchronously during the IDE startup, which Visual Studio 2019 discourages.

Dismiss the warning and select the Don’t show this message again check box. The extensions load and work as expected. Alternatively, if you have an updated version of Visual Studio 2019 installed, you can either click the Allow synchronous autoload on the notification bar or select the option Allow synchronous autoload of extensions from Tools->Options->Extensions.

Related information
Work Item 474620
Microsoft Visual Studio docs: Synchronously autoloaded extensions
Microsoft Visual Studio docs: Updates to synchronous autoload of extensions

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Conditions might be removed if queries created in the web client are edited in earlier versions of the client for Eclipse IDE

First occurrence

If you use version 6.0.6 or later of the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) web client to create a work item query that contains a Tags equals Unassigned condition, and then edit the query in version 6.0.5 or earlier of the client for Eclipse IDE, the Tags equals Unassigned condition might be removed.

Do not use a version 6.0.5 or earlier client for Eclipse IDE to edit a work item query that was created or edited in the 6.0.6 or later web client.

Related information
Work Item 450401

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Plans do not open in the 5.0.2 client for Eclipse IDE if they use a predefined small string attribute to sort work items

First occurrence

If you use the Rational Team Concert 6.0.6 web client to create a plan that uses a predefined small string attribute, such as status or resolution, to sort work items, you cannot open that plan in the Rational Team Concert 5.0.2 client for Eclipse IDE.

Use the web client to work with the plan.

Related information
Work Item 448380

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Colors and gradients are missing or incorrect in versions of Eclipse 4.7

First occurrence

If you use Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) P2 and any version of Eclipse 4.7, some colors and gradients might be missing or incorrect. For example, if you hover over the work item ID, the ID might be grayed out and unreadable. In other instances, an additional or unexpected color might be displayed.

These issues are caused by a problem with theme settings in Eclipse. In versions of Eclipse 4.5, the default theme is Windows. In versions of Eclipse 4.7, the default theme is Light. These issues do not occur in versions later than Eclipse 4.7, which have the default theme Windows Classic.

In any version of Eclipse 4.7, change the theme from Light to Windows Classic:
  1. In Eclipse, select Windows > Preferences > Search for Theme > Select Appearance.
  2. On the Appearance tab, set the theme to Windows Classic.
Related information
Work Item 443424

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Licensing errors might occur if you upgrade the Java environment or upgrade applications to version 6.0.5 or later

First occurrence


If you upgrade your version of Java to a fix pack that was built after April 2017, or you upgrade an application to version 6.0.5 or later and are using WebSphere Liberty, licensing errors might occur. The errors occur because earlier licenses were signed with the MD5 algorithm, which is now blocked by newer versions of Java.

For example, the License Key Management page for Jazz Team Server might display the following error in the Description field: CRJAZ1236I A development time license is being used. Similarly, the jts.log file might display the following error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key.

The latest license files no longer contain the MD5 algorithm because IBM and Oracle Java introduced restrictions on JAR files that are signed with weak algorithms and keys.

The licenses in the IBM License Key Center were updated to use a different signature algorithm.

After you upgrade your server to version 6.0.5 or later, obtain the updated licenses from the IBM License Key Center to replace your current licenses. If you previously used floating, token, or authorized user single install licenses, install their updated versions. Your existing user license assignments are kept during the installation of the updated licenses.

Important: If you are not upgrading all applications at the same time, you must apply an interim fix to the applications at earlier versions before you upgrade Jazz Team Server. The following interim fixes contain the compatible version of Java:
  • 6.0.4 interim fix 007 and later
  • 6.0.3 interim fix 010 and later
  • 6.0.2 interim fix 015 and later
  • No version of 5.0.2 contains a compatible Java version. For 5.0.2, complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article.
If you cannot apply the interim fix before the upgrade, upgrade Jazz Team Server and then complete the steps in the IBM Support flash article. If you do not apply the interim fix or complete the steps in the article, the internal licenses do not load on Jazz Team Server and the applications might experience issues.

To update your current license files, follow the instructions in the Interactive Upgrade Guide or complete the following steps based on the type of license:

For term (floating or authorized user) or token licenses:

Note: For token licenses, you are only required to download the jazztokens.zip file. You do not have to download the license.dat file because it does not contain changes.
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM License Key Center, under License Management, click Return Keys.
  3. Click the product link that you want to return the license keys for, and then click Return.
  4. After the license is returned, click Get Keys.
  5. Click the product link to generate licenses for.
  6. When prompted, provide the required information and click Generate.
  7. Download the  file that contains the new licenses.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
For non-term floating and authorized user licenses:
  1. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to jts/admin > Server > License Key Management and note all the licenses on the server.
  2. In IBM License Key Center, go to View keys by host or View keys by user.
  3. Enter the information about the host or the user.
  4. Select the product to generate the license for.
  5. Click View Licenses for Selected Product Lines.
  6. Select the license and click View Details.
  7. Click Download Keys.
  8. Log in to Jazz Team Server, go to Server > License Key Management and reimport the new license files.
  9. To add a license, click Add, accept the license agreement if you agree to its terms, and then complete the steps in the wizard.
Note: If you imported trial licenses before the newer versions of Java were adopted, you might still receive errors in the jts.log file even after you import the updated licenses. For example, you might receive this error: CRJAZ0965I The file was not a valid server or client access license activation key. You can ignore these errors.

Related information
IBM License Key Center
Interactive Upgrade Guide
Oracle release note: Restrict JARs signed with weak algorithms and keys

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On case-insensitive macOS systems, existing SCM sandboxes must be repaired before use in 6.0.5 and later

First occurrence

Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) 6.0.5 fixed several defects that affected source control management (SCM) operations on macOS systems. In previous releases, Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) SCM operations treated all macOS file systems as case-sensitive, which caused problems because macOS systems can be case-insensitive. For details, see Work Item 416705, Work Item 417531, and Work Item 417542.

If you have sandboxes that were created before 6.0.5 on a case-insensitive macOS system, you must repair the metadata for those sandboxes. Otherwise, a warning is displayed when you start the client that prompts you to repair the metadata. If you use the client without repairing the metadata, you might see unresolved changes when there are none for files and directories whose names contain uppercase letters. Additionally, you will not be able to unload a repository workspace whose name contains uppercase letters.

Sandboxes on case-sensitive macOS systems are not affected and do not require their metadata to be repaired.

In Rational Team Concert 6.0.5 and later, repair the metadata for existing sandboxes by using any of the following methods:
  • In the warning that opens when you start the client, click the Repair Now button.
  • Enter this command: scm repair -d sandbox-path
  • In the client for Eclipse IDE, click Window > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > Repair Metadata.
The metadata repair operation might take a long time to complete. An alternative to repairing the metadata is to create a new sandbox.

Related Information
Work Item 447226

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Engineering Workflow Management client is not installed on all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

First occurrence

When you install the IBM Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE from IBM Installation Manager and select Visual Studio 2017, the integration is installed on all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. However, if you install additional instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 after you install the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert)  client, the integration is not available on the newly installed instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.

Re-install the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE by completing the following steps:

1. In IBM Installation Manager, select the Modify option, deselect Visual Studio 2017, and then finish the installation.
2. In IBM Installation Manager, select the Modify option, select Visual Studio 2017, and then finish the installation.

This process installs the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client on all installed instances of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.

Related Information
Work Item 416095

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IBM Installation Manager does not detect Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 when it is installed

First occurrence

When you install the IBM Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, an additional option for Visual Studio 2017 is available. The option is disabled if Visual Studio 2017 is not detected on the computer, or if the Visual Studio 2017 installation is corrupt. Microsoft provides a Setup API to query installed editions of Visual Studio 2017 with sample code and utilities at Microsoft/vs-setup-samples. Run the sample to determine whether your Visual Studio 2017 installation is corrupt.

If the installation is corrupt, repair Visual Studio 2017 and ensure that it installs successfully:

1. Close IBM Installation Manager and all instances of Microsoft Visual Studio.
2. Repair Visual Studio 2017 by using the Visual Studio Installer as described in Modify, Repair, And Uninstall Visual Studio 2017 Using Visual Studio Installer.
3. Re-run IBM Installation Manager and confirm that the Visual Studio 2017 option is enabled.

Related information
Work Item 416092

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URL for work item OSLC pickers has changed

First occurrence

In version 6.0.4 and later, the URL for the work item OSLC picker uses pickers instead of _ajax-modules.

The following example shows the new URL format:

The following example shows the previous URL format:

The previous format for URLs does not work with the picker dialog boxes.

If you use a allowlist, change the URLs by replacing _ajax-modules with pickers.

Related information
Work Item 419973

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The “Story Points (numeric)” value is always 0

First occurrence

As part of the fix for Work Item 405355, enumeration literal values for the Complexity attribute were modified in the SAFe 4.0 Process (Program) template; however, the calculated script that uses this attribute was not updated. As a result, the calculated value for “Story Points (numeric)” is always 0.

Complete these steps:

1. In the Eclipse client for Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert), open the project area.
2. Go to the Process Configuration tab.
3. Expand Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Items and select Attribute Customization.
4. Expand Calculated Values and select Calculated Story Points (Numeric).
5. Update the switch condition in the script to use the new values:

       switch (a_label) {
     case ‘1 pt’:
      result= 1;
     case ‘2 pts’:
      result= 2;
     case ‘3 pts’:
      result= 3;
     case ‘5 pts’:
      result= 5;
     case ‘8 pts’:
      result= 8;
     case ’13 pts’:
      result= 13;
     case ’20 pts’:
      result= 20;
     case ’40 pts’:
      result= 40;
     case ‘100 pts’:
      result= 100;

6. Go to Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Work Items > Types and Attributes and select the Story work item type.
7. Edit the Story Points (numeric) attribute.
8. Change Calculated Value Script to None, and then change it back to Calculated Story Points (Numeric).
9. Save the project.
10. Create a new Boolean attribute or use an existing attribute for the story work item. Make the calculated value dependent on this attribute.
11. Run a query that includes all the story work items that require the “Story Points (numeric)” attribute to be updated, and include the attribute in the query results.
12. Update the attribute to true, which triggers the new script and updates the values of existing work items.

Note: The script-based calculated values are not designed to detect updates to the script itself. If a dependent attribute is changed, in this case Story Points, it triggers the script execution.

Related information
Work Item 433587

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Jazz repository login errors occur if the Engineering Workflow Management Client Extension is installed after Rational Software Architect

First occurrence

This issue occurs if you use IBM Installation Manager to install Rational Software Architect 9.5 or 9.6 (and possibly other versions) and then install version 6.0.3 interim fix 005 or later of the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Client Extension for Eclipse 4.x. After you install the client extension, you cannot log in to the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) server and receive a Repository Connection Failed error or errors in the Eclipse error log that begin like this:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.http.impl.client.WinHttpClients
at com.ibm.team.repository.transport.client.RemoteTeamServer.isWindowsAuthAvailable(RemoteTeamServer.java:2590)
at com.ibm.team.repository.client.login.AbstractLoginInfo.isWindowsAuthPossible(AbstractLoginInfo.java:31)

This issue does not occur if you install Rational Software Architect and the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Client Extension at the same time. For new installations, use IBM Installation Manager to install both items at the same time.

If you already have Rational Software Architect installed, and then install the client extension and experience this issue, start the Eclipse IDE by using the -clean option. If you use a Windows shortcut to start the IDE, add -clean to the end of the Target field in the shortcut properties. If you start the IDE by running the Eclipse executable file from a command prompt, add -clean to the command argument list.

To correct the issue, you should only have to start Eclipse by using the -clean option once.

Related information
Work Item 416596

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Excluded expressions are always listed as “All except business safe work types” in the SAFe Program process template

First occurrence

In a project area that uses the SAFe Program process template, when you edit a plan view and select Exclude and Expression, the editor sets the expression to All except business safe work types regardless of the expression that you select.

  1. Open the project area in the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) client for Eclipse IDE.
  2. Click the Process Configuration Source tab.
  3. Change the definition of the filter, and then save the project area:
Original filter definition:

<filter description=”Exclude all work item types except business safe work types.” id=”com.ibm.team.apt.filter.excludeBusinessSAFeWorkType” implementation=”com.ibm.team.apt.shared.ui.internal.filter.QuickQueryFilter” name=”All except business safe work types.”>
    <parameter key=”expression” value=”safeWorkType:Business”/>

New filter definition:

<filter description=”Exclude all work item types except business safe work types.” id=”com.ibm.team.apt.filter.excludeBusinessSAFeWorkType” implementation=”com.ibm.team.apt.shared.ui.internal.filter.CustomQuickQueryFilter” name=”All except business safe work types.”>
    <parameter key=”expression” value=”safeWorkType:Business”/>
        <parameter key=”isPreDefinedFilter” value=”true”/>                   

Related information
Work Item 441262

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An error is displayed when the Engineering Workflow Management Client Extension is installed with products based on Eclipse 4.6 (Neon)

First occurrence


When the Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) Client Extension is installed with products that are based on Eclipse 4.6 (Neon), such as Rational Software Architect, an error might be displayed once each session with text such as An SWT error has occurred or No more handles.

On Linux systems that use the apt-get tool to install software, run the following command to install the libwebkitgtk library:

sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0

On Linux systems that use RPM to install software, such as Red Hat, download webkitgtk-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm and run the following command to install it:

sudo rpm -ihv webkitgtk-2.4.9-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

Related information
Work Item 425554
Stack overflow: swt browser No more handles Error

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Extensions should not be disabled or uninstalled from Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

First occurrence

When you install IBM Engineering Workflow Management (formerly Rational Team Concert) into Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, the Engineering Workflow Management extensions are listed under Tools > Extensions and Updates. Do not disable or uninstall the Engineering Workflow Management extensions from within Visual Studio 2019. To install or uninstall the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, use only IBM Installation Manager.

Related Information
Work Item 417681

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Known issues for Engineering Workflow Management

on Eclipse 4.4 and 4.6
First occurrence

Starting in version 6.0.6, the downloads for the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Client for Eclipse IDE are based on Eclipse 4.4. and 4.6. The following known issues are related to these versions of Eclipse.

Common issues
  • The first time that you open the Engineering Workflow Management Client for Eclipse 4.4 IDE, the initialization process might take longer than with other Eclipse versions, and you might receive an Application is not responding message. In this case, wait for Engineering Workflow Management to initialize. For details, see Work Item 456354.
  • The product Welcome might include visual issues and inconsistencies. For example, icons might not be visible and icon tool tips might be incorrect. For details, see Work Item 402442 and Work Item 432353.
  • The Eclipse error log might show errors after the Engineering Workflow Management for Eclipse IDE opens for the first time, but which do not affect performance. For details, see Work Item 414649.

Linux-specific issues
  • Linux systems can be difficult to configure for Eclipse because specific versions of support libraries are required, and Linux systems might not include these libraries or might have unsupported versions installed by default. For helpful configuration information about the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit, see The SWT FAQ. Specifically, see the GTK, WebKit, and XULRunner sections. For tips on avoiding specific issues, see Workaround: Running the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client on 64-bit Linux and Work Item 456519.
  • Eclipse performance on Linux platforms in GUI mode is more reliable with desktop environments such as GNOME and Unity instead of others such as KDE. See the related Installation Manager support article: IBM Installation Manager on Linux platforms in GUI mode requires the GNOME desktop environment. If you experience setup or configuration issues, switching the desktop environment might help. For details, see Work Item 454223.
  • To avoid windowing system errors and crashes on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS systems, and other systems, start from the command line with the following sequence:
    export SWT_GTK3=0

Mac-specific issues

You can also customize this script to edit the configuration parameters for starting Eclipse.
  • The Eclipse error log on macOS might include errors about a bundle or extension named com.ibm.cds which cannot be found. You can ignore this error, or prevent it by editing the config.ini file as described in Work Item 454631.

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Connecting to IBM Bluemix DevOps Services projects is no longer supported

First occurrence

In previous releases, you could connect from the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) client for Eclipse IDE and the Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE to IBM Bluemix DevOps Services projects. You can no longer connect to IBM Bluemix DevOps Services projects from those clients. DevOps Services at hub.jazz.net is retired.

Related information
Work item 433977
Work item 433975

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Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 is not supported as the runtime for IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on a Windows platform

First occurrence


IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (formerly known as Continuous Engineering (CE) and Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM)) applications on a Windows platform that run on Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 5 through Fix Pack 10 encounter null pointer exceptions and might not be usable. Use Java 8 SR5 Fix Pack 11 ( or later as the runtime.

Related information
Work Item 455371
Work Item 452307
APAR IJ04429

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Extensions should not be disabled or uninstalled from Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

First occurrence

When you install IBM Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) into Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, the Engineering Workflow Management extensions are listed under Tools > Extensions and Updates. Do not disable or uninstall the Engineering Workflow Management extensions from within Visual Studio 2017. To install or uninstall the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, use only IBM Installation Manager.

Related Information
Work Item 417681

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Engineering Workflow Management

Shell does not show the status of ignored files and folders
First occurrence


Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational Team Concert) Shell uses overlay icons to indicate the source control status of files and folders in a sandbox. However, in Windows 8.1 and 10, Engineering Workflow Management does not use overlay icons to show the source control status of ignored files and folders. To view the source control status of a file or folder, right-click it; then, click IBM EWM > Status (for versions earlier than EWM 7.0, right-click and then, click Rational Team Concert > Pending Changes Status). If the file or folder is not ignored, and the overlay icon is not displayed, see Workaround: Overlay icons do not appear on files and folders in a sandbox in Rational Team Concert Shell to check for overlay icon issues in Rational Team Concert (now known as Engineering Workflow Management) Shell.

Related information
Work Item 371097
Workaround: Overlay icons do not appear on files and folders in a sandbox in Rational Team Concert Shell

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Load bars are inaccurate for users in different time zones from the server

First occurrence

If team members work in or have their computers set to a time zone that differs from the server’s time zone, the plan load bar and user load bar do not reflect the correct remaining time.

For example, if the server is set to Eastern Time (ET) and the scrum master checks the plan load at 09:00 ET, team members whose work day ends at 17:00 Indian Standard Time (IST) are incorrectly shown as contributing 8 hours of available load to the plan load for the current day. Because the work day is over for those team members, the plan load should not include any time for them.

When the scrum master checks the user load for team members in the IST time zone, the amount of available load differs based on the computer’s time zone:
  • On a computer set to ET, the load bar shows 8 hours of available load.
  • On a computer set to Pacific Time (PT), the load bar shows 7 hours of available load.
  • On a computer set to IST, the load bar shows 0 hours of available load.
Related information
Work Item 437989
Work Item 138912
Assessing team work with progress and load bars

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<edited 2023-04-06 by IBM to update terminology>

Fri, 05 Apr 2019