Jazz Library Workaround: Eclipse application might not start from the Finder on macOS when using the Rational Team Concert Eclipse 4.2 Client .zip download
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Workaround: Eclipse application might not start from the Finder on macOS when using the Rational Team Concert Eclipse 4.2 Client .zip download


The Eclipse application might not start from the Finder on macOS when using the Rational Team Concert Eclipse 4.2 Client .zip download.


Open a terminal window and change to the jazz directory at the top level of the download. From here, you can run ./eclipse to start the Rational Team Concert Eclipse IDE.

The Eclipse application might not start from the Finder because the Rational Team Concert download has been quarantined by macOS. You can determine and change the quarantine state by using the xattr command. For example, running xattr jazz from the top level of the download might report com.apple.quarantine. In this case, running xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine jazz will recursively remove the quarantine attribute from the files in the download.

Mon, 05 Dec 2016