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Jazz Library Workarounds: Installation and configuration problems in Design Management 4.0

Workarounds: Installation and configuration problems in Design Management 4.0

Authors: Chad Beery, Patti Hiscock, and Catherine Radatus Last Updated: September 7, 2012 Build Basis: Design Management 4.0

Workarounds: Installation and configuration problems in Design Management 4.0

The following table of contents lists all of the workarounds that are related to the installation and configuration functionality in the Design Management 4.0 release:

Workaround Summary

Sometimes the Design Management (DM) finalization can hang on the “Create Storage Areas” step if user information is being imported from an LDAP registry.

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During Design Management finalization, the users defined in an LDAP registry can be imported into the Jazz Team server. A synchronization request is made to obtain the user information and Design Management waits for two minutes for that synchronization to complete before proceeding with the finalization.

If the LDAP registry is quite large (over 5000 users), the synchronization can take longer than two minutes. As a result, key DM internal users are not registered and the finalization step to create the storage areas hangs.


If you are importing a large LDAP user registry into Design Management, on the page that identifies the LDAP registry and the main administration user, click Next. The data warehouse initialization page should open. Wait for 5 minutes before you proceed from this data warehouse initialization page. This should give the LDAP synchronization time to complete.

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Workaround Summary

After an external Jazz application is added using the Jazz Team Server’s registered applications page, the registration success message contains a link to perform the setup for the application just added. The URL in this link is sometimes invalid and results in a setup page without any Back or Next buttons.

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It is possible to install the Configuration Management and Design Management (DM) Jazz applications on different server machines than their common Jazz Team Server (JTS) is running on. In this scenario, these external applications must be added using the main JTS server’s registered application page. Both of these applications require additional setup steps to be performed.

After each Jazz application is added, the “success” status message contains a link to perform the additional setup for that application. The URL in this link is invalid and results in a web page without the navigation controls, so you cannot perform the setup properly.


If you are installing both Configuration Management and Design Management (DM) as external Jazz applications, you must ensure that the setup of the Configuration Management application is performed before the setup of DM. The easiest approach is to register both applications first. Do not click the setup application link in the status message that indicates a successful registration. After both applications have been registered, perform the application setup as follows:

  1. Start the JTS server setup again by going to the link https://jts/setup.
  2. You must select the custom setup and not the express setup since most of the setup has already been performed.
  3. Continue clicking Next through the setup pages.
  4. On the Jazz application registration page, you do not need to register either the Configuration Management application or DM because they are already registered. Click Next
  5. After the data warehouse initialization page, the setup pages for the Configuration Management application and then DM should appear. Proceed with the setup as usual.

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Workaround Summary

When you use the Express Setup option to configure a Design Management (DM) and Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) server, it is impossible to immediately create the Money That Matters (MTM) sample project.

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After you use the Express Setup option to configure a Design Management and Collaborative Lifecycle Management server, you must perform several steps to create the Money That Matters sample project. During the Express Setup, the Requirements Manager server is configured, but it’s indexing does not complete; therefore, creating the MTM sample does not work on the requirements management side. A 500 Internal Server error is displayed.


There are two workarounds. One option is to use Custom Setup to configure the server. Another option is use Express Setup, and then perform the following steps before attempting to create the MTM scenario:

  1. Navigate to rm/web. From the options (gear-shaped) menu, select Create a Project Area. If there are no templates listed on the second page of the wizard, the MTM sample will also fail.
  2. Navigate to /rm/rmadmin, go to the Storage Areas tab, and click Rebuild Index.
  3. When re-indexing is complete, you should see several templates when you try creating a project area (step 1).
You should be able to create the MTM sample.

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Workaround Summary

Sometimes the Rhapsody DM server fails to restart when JFS is restarted.

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In an environment where Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM), Rhapsody Design Manager and Rational Enterprise Lifecycle Management (RELM) are all installed into a single JTS (using the default Tomcat and Derby on a Windows 2008 server), restarting a previously configured server does not always work. In other words, restarting the JFS does not always restart the Rhapsody DM server.


The workaround is to shut down and restart the Rhapsody DM server.

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Workaround Summary

When you perform a custom configuration of the Design Management Server, you are responsible for selecting the appropriate licenses. If you do not choose any licenses, or only chooses a Rational Rhapsody license, the Design Management Server configuration will fail when finalizing the Design Management application.

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When you install Rational Software Architect Design Manager, the setup process requires the Rational Software Architect Designer license; it fails if it is not selected. During express configuration, a temporary license is assigned; however, during a custom configuration, you may choose to assign no licenses, or only a Rational Rhapsody license.


Ensure that you assign a Rational Software Architect Designer license during the custom configuration.

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Workaround Summary

The Design Management finalize page should not be marked as complete if it is refreshed.

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The Jazz Team Server (JTS) considers a Jazz application, such as Design Management, to have completed its finalization as soon as you click Finalize. If any of the finalization steps for the application fail, the server finalization cannot be completed.

A common finalization error is running out of memory. Since Design Management finalization can take a long time, you should use the appropriate operating system mechanism to ensure that the Jazz server is still running. If an out of memory error occurs, the server usually stops.


You perform the Design Management (DM) finalization, you must be patient because it can take a long time. Do not refresh the web page during the DM finalization steps.

If you are concerned that the finalization is hung, use the appropriate operating system tool to verify that the Jazz server is still running. You can also examine the server log files and the server’s console output to determine if a problem has occurred and to determine if DM is still performing work. The log file /server/log/dm.log is usually updated as DM performs the finalization processing.

If a finalization error does occur, you must uninstall the server and start over. If finalization failed because it ran out of memory, after you reinstall Design Management, you must modify the server.startup file in the /server directory before you restart the server. Change the JAVA_OPTS flags so that the memory limits (-Xmx and -Xms) are increased. If DM is being installed on a recommended 64-bit machine that has at least 6 GB of memory, the memory flags should be set to -Xmx6G and -Xms6G.

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Workaround Summary

Currently, a user ID with the JazzUser Repository permission can create workspaces and snapshots in the Configuration Management application, even if they do not have the appropriate client access license.

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The Configuration Management application currently has no licensing requirements; therefore, any user ID with the JazzUser Repository permission has the ability to create workspaces and snapshots in the Configuration Management application. If you are unfamiliar with the implications of parallel workspaces, you may create snapshots and workspaces that later required complicated merges.


The only workaround is to educate users that they should not experiment with creating workspaces or snapshots unless their role calls for it. Further, it is important to note that workspaces and snapshots cannot be deleted.

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Workaround Summary

You might experience problems shutting down some servers if you use separate application servers for Jazz Team Server (/JTS), Design Management (/DM), and the Configuration Management (/VVC) application.

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Design Management Server can be installed as three separate application servers (Jazz Team Server; Design Management; and the Configuration Management application respectively) that run on a single or multiple hosts. In this type of configuration, you should shut down each application server in the following order: Design Management, Configuration Management, and then Jazz Team Server. Wait until the previous application server is shut down before shutting down the next one.

If the Design Management and the Configuration Management applications are not configured correctly, servers that you shut down after Design Management might not shut down correctly, and Java processes might remain in memory.


Stop the remaining Java processes by using corresponding operating system tools; for example, Process Manager for the Windows operating system or the “kill” command for the Linux operating system.

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Workaround Summary

During Design Management (DM) setup, the finalization of DM can take a substantial length of time. If the setup page is refreshed or if server setup is subsequently restarted, the Finalize button on the Design Management finalization page is disabled.

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The Jazz Team Server (JTS) considers a Jazz application, such as Design Management, to have completed its finalization as soon as you click Finalize. If any of the finalization steps for the application fail, the server finalization cannot be completed.

A common finalization error is running out of memory. Since Design Management finalization can take a long time, you should use the appropriate operating system mechanism to ensure that the Jazz server is still running. If an out of memory error occurs, the server usually stops.


You perform the Design Management (DM) finalization, you must be patient because it can take a long time. Do not refresh the web page during the DM finalization steps.

If you are concerned that the finalization is hung, use the appropriate operating system tool to verify that the Jazz server is still running. You can also examine the server log files and the server’s console output to determine if a problem has occurred and to determine if DM is still performing work. The log file /server/log/dm.log is usually updated as DM performs the finalization processing.

If a finalization error does occur, you must uninstall the server and start over. If finalization failed because it ran out of memory, after you reinstall Design Management, you must modify the server.startup file in the /server directory before you restart the server. Change the JAVA_OPTS flags so that the memory limits (-Xmx and -Xms) are increased. If DM is being installed on a recommended 64-bit machine that has at least 6 GB of memory, the memory flags should be set to -Xmx6G and -Xms6G.

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Workaround Summary

The Finish button is enabled earlier than expected when configuring the Design Management Server.

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The Finalize application pages for the Configuration Management application and Design Management extend the Jazz Application Foundation (JAF) Software Development Kit (SDK) Finalize Application page. As a result of this extension, the Finish button is enabled before the Configuration Management application and DM are actually finished being configured.


You can ignore the enabled Finish button and continue to click Next until the server is finished being configured. The server configuration is completed when a summary page opens.

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Fri, 07 Sep 2012