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RTC 4.0 - problem with line termination

Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | asked Jan 17 '13, 4:49 a.m.
We are using RTC integrated with Worklight Studio 5.0.5
When we run a build for the Android environment, the .classpath file is regenerated, and the line terminations are set to the Android standard, that is, <LF>
However, when we checkin it, RTC reinsert the <CR> in order to reproduce the Windows line termination (we are working on Windows workstations).
We have already set the .classpath file extension to the binary behavior, according to

but apparently it did not work....
Any suggestions?

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jan 17 '13, 10:44 a.m.
Check the line delimiter settings for your file types.

1. Go to Window > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > File Properties.
2. Look for your resource type. If it doesn't exist, you will have to add the type.
3. Set your line delimiter for the type to LF.

New files will be set to the LF line delimiter.

You'll still have to change your existing files to the correct line delimiter.

1. Go to the Package Explorer and select the projects that you want to change the line delimiters.
2. Right-click and go to Team > Change File Properties...
3. A dialog will appear where you can change the line delimiters for each resource type.
4. Check-in and deliver your changes.
Luca Martinucci selected this answer as the correct answer

Dejan Custic commented Jan 21 '13, 10:41 a.m.

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