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Release burndown and velocity based on hours ?

Juergen Amthauer (21279) | asked Dec 10 '12, 10:03 a.m.
Dear all

Just started to get familiar with RTC 4.0.1, however, I set up a project based on
Requirements (Themes)  - User Stories - Tasks, made all the estimations based on created plans in 'hours' NOT in story points.

I ran two different sprint teams. Following plans are created.
1. Product backog for all NOT yet assigned requirements
2. Release backlog for everything that is within my Release e.g. V01.00
3. Sprint backlog for Team 1 and Team 2

Burndown chart come fine, Open vs. closed work items come fine.

Question: Is 'Release burndown' and 'Velocity' always based on story points ? Can it be changed to run it based on hours ? If so, how to do ?
In case I can only handle story points here instead of hours, I could think of a 1 : 1 translation, but I'm not sure if that makes sense and if tooling accepts e.g. 1040 h = 1040 story points for a requirement ?

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Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Dec 30 '12, 12:58 p.m.
edited Dec 30 '12, 1:20 p.m.
There are two burndowns available. The release burndown is based on Story Points and the burn down is based on Hours. Check here for the list of reports available:

The Team Velocity is based on Story Points. You need to modify the template to work with Hours. Check here for how to create/modify BIRT template.


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