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explaination on backlog iteration

kavita herur (5876894) | asked Dec 01 '12, 8:21 a.m.
retagged Feb 01 '13, 1:21 p.m. by Stephanie Taylor (24115)

  Hi All,

In our organisation We have not configured for plan types. We just use general planning "time spent" on Work item's  estimates.

 We have only one main development timeline and many iterations in it.

 When I create new project area gives warning related backlog. I dont remember what exactly it was.After creating project area I did few quick test on our RTC  and  follow up and pre conditions. It worked fine.

 But I am worried will I face any issues later on? What could be the solution?

Can any one explain or provide link to understand what is backlog iteration and how it will be used internaly?

If I rename any iteration to backlog. Will I be in safe?

Please let me know.



4 answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Dec 01 '12, 9:06 a.m.

See also my forum entry:

If there is no Backlog Iteration or the path to the backlog Iteration has changed, without changing this in the process template, it may give you problems opening a plan. See my defect:

I also saw issues with the Plan Row menu, where some menu items have not listed e.g. Iterations or Categories to move Workitems into. For this I do not have a defect yet.

kavita herur commented Dec 03 '12, 1:02 a.m.

 Thanks Guido, but still not able to uderstand complete concept of this backlog.

 Is there any Document link I can study?

If I rename any old iteration to backlog will  I come out of Warning? "/Develomet/backlog specified in plan creation follow-up action doesnt denote a valid iteration"

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Feb 01 '13, 8:01 a.m.
In an Agile development model the bucket of workitems not yet assigned to a development iteration are considered still On the Backlog.

so for a Release(iteration), you should have one container where the incoming and not yet planned work is stored.
the Release Backlog
you could also have a Product Backlog, which is work no assigned to a Release.

the iteration setup in RTC is

Timeline (build product for next 10 years)
release iteration (how often do you intend to release product, yearly?)  so 10 of these
development iterations (aka sprints) how you break down the development work of the release (4 week srpint= 12 of these in a year?)
the product iteration and the release iterations should have backlogs to hold work not yet assigned to release and sprint (respectively)

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Stephanie Taylor (24115) | answered Feb 01 '13, 1:21 p.m.
Here's some additional information in the documentation:

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 11 '13, 12:34 a.m.
WRT the warning, you are probably thinking of the warning in the Backlog Iteration section of the Project Configuration page.  This warning does not actually reflect any problem, so you can ignore it.   To get rid of the warning, select as your backlog iteration an iteration that is an immediate child of the timeline, and that has no child iterations.

I suggest you just ignore the "Backlog Iteration" declaration.  As far as I can tell, all it is used for is to initialize the plan type when you create a new plan (i.e. it creates a "product backlog" plan if you select the iteration that is declared to be the backlog iteration).   But you can easily just manually select "product backlog" as the type of your plan, so this doesn't save you any significant effort.

But you do have to be careful about bug The backlog iteration '/development/backlog' for the timeline 'development' could not be resolved. (126347) .i.e. when you move your declared backlog iteration somewhere else in the timeline tree, it will refuse to let you open *any* plan until you have explicitly updated your "product backlog" to point to the new location.

Note: If anyone knows of any other semantics associated with the iteration you select as the "Backlog Iteration", please post it here as a comment.

Stefan Oblinger commented Apr 20 '20, 1:37 p.m.

As requested and probably nowhere in completeness documented: These are my findings about the semantics of the Backlog Iteration:

- Icons for Backlog iterations and ordinary iterations are different e.g. in Work Item Editor
- the "Current Plans" view shows not only the Plans for "current" Iterations but also all Plans for "Backlog" Iterations
- Program Board has a Preference option to "Include Backlog"
- in Plan Boards of Quick Planner, an additional "Backlog" lane is displayed with a specific Backlog icon
- Quick Planner provided a feature to "Triage to Backlog" in CLM Versions 5.0.2-6.0.4

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