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Workflow visual editor/viewer

Benoit Theunissen (1611) | asked Oct 01 '08, 10:55 a.m.

I would like to develop a view in order to display Workflows from a process template as flow chart or a graph.

Now, the workflow editor is perfect for declaring workflow but is not really simple to understand and follow a workflow already created.

This view will provide a better read of workflows.

Do you know if any jazz/RTC team will work on that idea ?
I saw they are Workitem about workflow editor but this is about web UI.

Can you give me some indication ?
(Jazz/RTC Extension points, Graph Visualizing plugin existing, ...)


Rodrigo Gonzato commented Oct 07 '13, 7:07 p.m.

 Good Idea!

2 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Oct 02 '08, 7:13 a.m.
Do you know if any jazz/RTC team will work on that idea ?
I saw they are Workitem about workflow editor but this is about web

I am not aware of any plans in this direction.

Can you give me some indication ?
(Jazz/RTC Extension points, Graph Visualizing plugin existing, ...)

You would probably need to rely on internal API to get to all necessary
workflow information. Take a look at IWorkItemCommon to find some public
entry points.

For the visualizing part, you may want to take a look at GEF/Draw2d.

Jazz Work Item Team

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Brian Thompson (41184) | answered Mar 20 '09, 3:06 p.m.

Sounds like a nice idea - did you (or anyone else) pursue this ?



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