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Error while Update from 3.0.1 to 4.0

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Aug 21 '12, 12:21 p.m.
retagged Aug 21 '12, 1:16 p.m. by Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723)

I have updated my CLM 3.0.1 and I had it with blue pages configuration. When I updated to 4.0 I can still enter through my bp id and pw. But  it seems that the users hasnot been created in the /jts/admin page. And got some errors in RTC :

We're Sorry...

An error occurred while retrieving the dashboard:
HTTP/1.1 500 Error Interno del Servidor
/ccm/web/dojo/../../service/ CRJZS0033E The consumer key is not valid and the consumer may not be registered. The service provider is "https://rational-tools:9443". The consumer key is "519...436".

2 answers

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Aug 21 '12, 1:16 p.m.
It is not possible to diagnose your issue with the brief information above.  The migration from 301x to 40 involves a migration of configuration files from 301x install dir to 40 install dir, an addtables repotools cmd on your CCM and JTS dbs and an upgrade of the DW via a repotools cmd.  The LDAP configuration would have been part of the upgrade during the config file updates or the in-place db migration.

You will have to check the log files produced with the upgrade script (jts_upgrade and ccm_upgrade) and try to locate where there might be an issue.  Also, check the jts.log and ccm.log in the 40 install directory.  Please remember that the 301 to 40 upgrade is NOT an in place upgrade.

Generate a customized step by step guide for your environment using the interactive upgrade guide located here:

If you are still having problems, please open a support request.

Cesar Sasaki commented Aug 21 '12, 1:20 p.m.

Hi Rosa

I used the interactive guide in the infocenter and made this : -Uninstall RRDi 1.0.2 -New instal of CLM4 -Run the commands for each app upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome CLM3_directory\server\conf

And its supossed to be OK but I have some errors.

Cesar Sasaki commented Aug 21 '12, 1:21 p.m.

Can I uninstall the CLM4 and backup my CCM database (that is now with the tables of clm4) and Install a new CLM 4 with the CCM database?

Rosa Naranjo commented Sep 15 '12, 12:28 p.m.

No because it is not clear what state the CCM database is in? Start again with one of your backups of the 301x CCM db.

permanent link
T M (8878188143) | answered Sep 16 '12, 11:04 p.m.
Because your friends/consumer links are messed up. Try re-registering the CCM app.

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