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Insert a table into a html type custom field in RTC

haizi wu (6054248) | asked Aug 15 '12, 10:24 p.m.
Does RTC support html table tag in a html type custom field, I have tyied to copy a table to the html type field from Word, but when I save It return to pain text

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered 2 days ago
edited 2 days ago

This is an example for how to not do it. The initial question is fine. The other users creating an answer with the same question is not OK. If you want to comment on a question, use a comment. If you have a question, ask your own question. 

The correct answer is, as I am aware at the moment: The only attribute type that has a concept of a table is the type Wiki. See

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

4 other answers

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Dan Bajema (1611) | answered Dec 02 '13, 6:48 p.m.
I'm curious too if you can add a table into RTC 

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Ciprian Spiridon (3125) | answered Sep 01 '14, 3:30 a.m.
Does anybody knows if the tables are supported in RTC? I need to configure a workitem and a display table type would really help but I didn't find how...
RTC version 4.0.7

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Simone Russo (6) | answered Mar 09 '15, 1:42 p.m.
 I am also looking for this feature -does any one know if this is supporteD?

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WenJia Zhang (114) | answered 2 days ago

I am also looking for this feature,too

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