RTC 3.0 with Notes 8.5 embedded Sametime
I used Notes 8.5 with the embedded ST client.
I am trying to configure Notes 8.5 as an instant messaging provider in RTC but so far I'm not having any luck.
I am trying to configure Notes 8.5 as an instant messaging provider in RTC but so far I'm not having any luck.
First problem: there's no choice for Notes 8.5; closest match is "Sametime 8/Notes 8.0.1"
Second problem: when I select this option & then click "Connect" I get a popup with this text:
Could not connect to client. See the Problem Determination Guide for more information about problem determination for situations.com/ibm/micro/logging/LoggerI've tried the changing the com.ibm.collaboration.realtime/startBroker setting in C:\notes\framework\rcp\plugin_customization.ini but that had no effect. I've also tried modifying C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Sametime Connect\rcp\plugin_customization.ini but I get access denied messages when I attempt to save an edited version of that file.
Accepted answer
This answer may be too late for you, but I will share my experience on the topic.
I have just tried to use Notes 8.5.2 embedded sametime 8.5.2 with RTC Client and got the same error.
After some investigation, I resolved the problem.
What I did is,
1. Open Notes RCP plugin_customizeation.ini (<Notes_install>/framework/rcp/plugin_customization.ini) with Notepad.
2. "ADD" the following line to the end of the file.
3. Start Notes, login sametime, open RTC, then configure RTC/sametime integration using Note 8.0.1 as the infocenter described.
I hope this helps you.
Shuichi Saitoh
This answer may be too late for you, but I will share my experience on the topic.
I have just tried to use Notes 8.5.2 embedded sametime 8.5.2 with RTC Client and got the same error.
After some investigation, I resolved the problem.
What I did is,
1. Open Notes RCP plugin_customizeation.ini (<Notes_install>/framework/rcp/plugin_customization.ini) with Notepad.
2. "ADD" the following line to the end of the file.
com.ibm.collaboration.realtime/startBroker=trueNote that, there is similar (and very confusing) property on the plugin_customization.ini file.
com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.brokerbridge/startBroker=falseSetting this property to "true", I got the same error.
3. Start Notes, login sametime, open RTC, then configure RTC/sametime integration using Note 8.0.1 as the infocenter described.
I hope this helps you.
Shuichi Saitoh